I didn't like the way that she said that HOWEVER. It clearly indicated, in my humble opinion, that some isht is the game. We gonna keep an eye on that witch (yall excuse me if I abandon my journalistic cool and call a spade a spade).
Also the room erupted in loud, thunderous, applause when she said that WANM, the campus radio station was broadcasting the event live.
First up is James Ammons.
Mr. Ammons is handling hostile attacts about SACS during his tenure as FAMU provost very well. He's answering questions about things that happened 1998 and 2000.
Cardenas asked, "how can you bring a new chapter to FAMU, given your past here?"
Ammons: "I think one of the things that any new president or chancellor must have when taking over a new university is a FIRM grip on the culture of that institution."
He futher explained, how he made the effort to learn about the history and culture of Central and said he would do the same thing here, even though he wouldn't have to do a whole lot of studying because he is a product of here.
"It's a new day, being respectful of the past and the stakeholders, including this board I have a vision thats once we are together as a board as a university and a community, we will move forward. We will win""
Ammons wrapped up his interview by telling the board, "If you choose me, you can turn off the porch light, Your son is home!"
The dumbest question award goes to..... Jesse Tyson! Mr. Tyson asked Ammons, how would you go about getting us accreditation. Ammons answered, sir the University is accredited. Tyson, I mean the highest level of accreditation. Ammons: Sir, it doesn't get any higher than SACS.
Thelma Thompson is up now...
She seems a bit self assured. Almost like she's got this in the bag, in an I know something you don't manner.
She's in her opening statement now. Let's see how she does with the questions.
Ok, I see here, we stand a better chance of getting a direct answer from Liz McBride than Thelma Thompson. She was asked how much time she'd spend fundraising. Her answer: Something about... the size of the endowments at Hampton and Howard and researching what we done in the past. "If it has a pulse we should ask it for money." Her record at UMES doesn't reflect her raising any money. Less than $4 million in her five years there.
Thompson, says she's for SBI accreditation. Because graduates from non-accredited schools don't get paid as much. We need grads to make more so they can give back more.
Asked about her audit, she danced more than the Marching 100 at the Florida Classic. She said she asked for the audit and she has resolved all the problems. (Maryland auditors say otherwise.)
Trustees busted her on her lie.
On growth, she says it is possible for a Universiity to grow itself into poverty. She says too many students stress the university and creates unmment needs.
She is very found of using the word "I". Apparently, she's done everything by herself.
She's now talking about her relationship with State and Local governments. Yet, it was a Senator in her state who tipped RN off about her audit and told us where to find it on the web.
Mrs. Thompson is wrapping up her interview.
Howard Johnson is up now
He's doing his 10 mins. opening statement now.
Somewhere in his background he was at Northwestern U. (wonder if he knew Challis Lowe back then?)
Mr. Johnson is interviewing very well. He's answered questions about his recent job change at UNT. He gone from being Provost to an Asst. to the Chancellor of the System. He says he will now work on a strategic plan for the UNT System and with Community Colleges in the area.
Said that that as Provost of UNT they created a College of Engineering in 2003, and hired a National Science Academy member to its staff, and created a honors college for both the upper and lower division students.
Share with us some of your fundraising activities and how would you move forward with the endowment goals?
"My fundraising experience has been in dealing with corportations and foundations. We have targeted certain areas for development... Hoffman fund and the Pew Foundation. G.E. foundation for math and science. But we should never lose touch with our Alumni and friends. I've been working very hard to cultivate relationships with donors, especially those that can give very large sums of money to the institution.
We are in a campaign to raise $100 million. We have about $15 million so far. Comming from a private school like Syracuse, I am accustomed to raising money."
Do you preceive a difference having never attended or worked at an HBCU?
"There shouldn't be a difference. You have an outstanding College of Pharmacy. No adjectives in front of that. You have an outstanding school of business. No adjectives in front of that. Excellence is excellence. Your students are the results of quality programs."
As president, what would YOU do to achieve that excellence?
"I'm gonna be the model. I will be out front. I will lobby for the university and the students and the faculty."
Johnson would like to use technology to bridge the Engineering and Law Schools and the Law and Business School, to perhaps offer joint degrees.
Johnson is waxing on doing the "vision thing", which he is laying on real thick. Rather his vision matches up to FAMU's mission is another story.
Wrap up. Johnson says he has the skills and would work tirelessly to work for FAMU. He has the experience coming from both a public and private university --- UNT and Syracuse. He has the vision, energy, and a devotion to move FAMU forwarded.
-End of Interviews-
can some post a link to the webcast?
ReplyDeleteain't none
ReplyDeleteAlso the room erupted in loud, thunderous, applause when she said that WANM, the campus radio station was broadcasting the event live.
what's the website that Dr. Tucker indicated they would have the website on
ReplyDeletethe website is www.famuuff.com. Though I cannot find the link for the webcast.
ReplyDeleteGive the woman a break for Christ's sake.
ReplyDeleteyour schtick is getting worn.
WANM is broadcasting over their air, it is not being streamed on the FAMU web. Lowe and Castell wouldn't let it
ReplyDeleteAnonymous said...
ReplyDeleteGive the woman a break for Christ's sake.
your schtick is getting worn.
You have other options on the web. You may want to use them NOW!
ReplyDeleteWhich trustees are asking the hostile questions against Dr. Ammons? I'd like to know even though it probably won't be a surprise to anyone.
"hostile attacks...." ammons left famu for dead when he knew the sh1t was about to hit the fan. what is hostile about calling "a spade a spade", rn's own words. ammons has blame to be placed on his shoulders.
ReplyDeleteNobody has done more to run FAMU in the ground than Castell & Lowe !! Not Fred Gainous, not Walter Smith, nobody has done as much damage as Castell/Corbin/Lowe. Don't get it twisted, boo.
ReplyDeleteRight!! I wholeheartedly agree.
ReplyDeleteammons sounds more like a preacher than a unviversity president...."turn off the porch light, your son is home." is he famu's savior? this guy is a joke and should be eliminated for that comment alone.
ReplyDeleteDiallo was asking the toughest questions.
ReplyDelete11:37 am
ReplyDeleteYou are the biggest joke!!! Ammons is an anointed man as we all should try to achieve.
ammons left famu for dead
ReplyDeleteHumphries and Ammons left FAMU with more students, endowment money, and doctoral programs than it ever had.
Castell is the one who's been butchering our enrollment, fundraising, and reaffirmation of accreditation process.
Castell is a thief who came only to steal and kill and destroy. Ammons is coming to restore life to FAMU with more abundance.
Will make a bold prediction. The adminstrator from Texas will get it! Ammons and Thompson have too much baggage.
ReplyDeleteJohnson or Ammons will do fine. Though they could have found better candidates than these 3 (they rejected better candidates than these 3).
ReplyDeleteDid Challis Lowe ask Howard Johnson why he hasn't resigned?
ReplyDeleteThe fact that Johnson is here answered that question. Lowe is not as bright as I thought she was.
Lowe should resign!
The Devil is a liar.
ReplyDeleteI was listening when there was applause for Ammons' comment about using university resources instead of hiring outside. There was one who was applauding too loudly and too long. Like 15 seconds past everyone else. I wanted to say "Dude, stop embarassing us" LOL
ReplyDeleteFAMU does need to hire more people from outside the University, particularly accountants. There are way too many who have eaten from FAMU's plate for decades and given the University nothing but incompetence.
ReplyDeletejohnson is the man. he will bring a new direction and integrity back to the university. a feel good about famu's future with him at the helm
ReplyDeletereading HoJo's responses, I could see him being our president. Like Ammons, he has the NUMBERS and philosophy to back him up. And it is a plus that he is not an HBCU product, some out of the box stuff. I still think Ammons is the man though.
ReplyDeleteThelma just needs to sit the hell down or go into real estate or somethin'. With that audit, how did she make it this far?
rn has already made up it's mind and it is not outside the block. ammons closing comments belong in a church not a university. johnson sounds more professional and yes his vision is what famu needs.
ReplyDeletesay no to recycled leadership!
Thanks for the informative wrap up RN.
ReplyDeleteAnonymous said...
ReplyDeleteI was listening when there was applause for Ammons' comment about using university resources instead of hiring outside. There was one who was applauding too loudly and too long. Like 15 seconds past everyone else. I wanted to say "Dude, stop embarassing us" LOL
2/01/2007 2:22 PM
It wasn't a dude, it was Ann O'Neal. And you better watcha ya mouth cause she don't play the radio for no one.
ReplyDeleteThat's Miss FAMU -- Famous Ann Most Unique! The #1 Rattler!