Thomas was appointed interim dean in September 2005 by former FAMU President Fred Gainous and applied for the permanent post in November 2005.
Thomas and other staff in the college sparred with interim president Castell Bryant and Provost Debra Austin on how the college should be managed. Thomas' resignation came just before the Accreditation Council of Pharmacy Education put the school on probation.
Thomas had warned Bryant and Austin that probabtion was eminent if the college's needs were not adequately addressed. Bryant and Austin ignored his warnings.
Thomas said he would stay on until his contract ran out or a replacement is named.
Also see: Pharmacy faculty warns of probation
Pharm. faculty -v- Bryant, the back story
Pharm. facing probation
I will be so happy when Cast-Hell's spell has worn off. I don't know much about Dr. Thomas, but it seems to me that if the interim dean is telling you to "watch out", you would listen. She never listened to anyone and that is why FAMU is now suffering. But, I do believe, before it is all over with, Cast-Hell will come out of retirement to serve prison time. She will do so along with the IT guy and some others. I see it and you better bet, the feds are watching to see just how everything plays out. Sorry to see you go Dr. Thomas.
ReplyDeleteIt is common knowledge on the faculty that Dr. Henry Lewis has been asked to serve as Interim Dean with the concurrence of incoming president Dr. Ammons. Dr. Lewis has agreed.
ReplyDeleteWhats the scoop on the IT guy? Hadn't heard about that one. Give us the details.
ReplyDeleteCastell is in Dade County, I presume, watching those westerns, not thinking about the mess and chaos she created at FAMU. But believe you me, what goes around comes around. I'm old enough--I have a thirty-year-old daughter-- to know that you reap what you sow. I'm a FAMU graduate, w/two degrees, and my daughter is a FAMU graduate as well, class of 2002). Castell Bryant may think that she has gotten away, literally, from the atrocious things she's done to (and at) the school, but I promise you girlF will see all of this hurt and pain and madness and mayhem come right back to her, and when she does, it will not be a pretty sight. Now, it may take a year, five years, ten, twenty or however many. But you can bet your bottom dollar that when it comes, she will feel it in ways that she has never felt anything in her life. And we may not know the extent of her pain and suffering, but we will know in our spirits that she brought all of it on herself.
ReplyDeleteAmen!! To the above comment. I have made this same statment. We have to be very careful of the things done and how we treat people in life for surely it will come back to you!!! Trust me, I have seen it happen.
ReplyDeleteIf we were not watching this happen before us, we would not believe that the CASTELL administration has exposed this school to litigation that could have a burdensome result.
ReplyDeleteImagine if Rattlernation was not there to keep us informed. We'd have to rely on the editorial board of the Tallahassee Democrat and (help us Lord) the Capital Outlook.
ReplyDeleteCastell would still be president right now with Rosey Wilson giving her full backing, and Debra Austin being transitioned into the group. Hell, we'd never know the true university deficit.
I think we should let Castell keep the bonus money she made for the bullshit surplus. She'll need it for bail money.
I hope Castell is hauled away in handcuffs just like Delores Cross of Morris Brown.
ReplyDeleteGlad to see Dr. Lewis back at his old post!
ReplyDeleteNaw now don't compare Cross with CVB. That thing at Morris Brown was the wrong thing but done for the right reason. (Cross used Federal Title IV funds to meet payroll which is a federal crime)
ReplyDeleteBryant was just negative and operated in what I call an uninformed arrogance. It alright though, yall get ya' heads up and move on. FAMU's best days lie ahead.
Naw now don't compare Cross with CVB. That thing at Morris Brown was the wrong thing but done for the right reason.
ReplyDeleteYou're right. Cross broke the rules trying to protect employees. CVB broke the rules in an effort to be vindictive and hurt as many employees as possible.