While working for Mrs. Bryant, Miss Borland had also been pursuing an MBA in Global Management.
Borland forms Energy Company
According to a recent press release she sent out Borland annouced the formation of Kimberlee International Energy Corp. Miss Borland says the company has forged alliances in the energy sector "that will afford us the opportunity to use acquisitions as a segment of our methodology for moving the company forward and are participating in the process for the initial discussions of navigating the alliance acquisition of British Petroleum’s exploration and production assets, and gas infrastructure business in the Netherlands and the BP Croyton Refinery in Essex, UK."
Also see: Kimberlee International Press Release
Kimberlee International website
seen and heard
Dang, she is fine!
ReplyDeletego on sister! is she aware of the stuff BP is doing with Berkeley?
ReplyDeleteGood riddance! We need staffers who are loyal to FAMU, not destructive influences like Castell.
ReplyDeleteSomething about her business just doesn't quite seem right. I know SBI is good, but you tell me she goes straight from the classroom to doing international energy deals? C'mon now.
ReplyDeleteyeah, it does seem a little fishy, but go girl if you got it like that.
ReplyDeleteSmart sister. Whatever and however she got what she's got and is doing what she's doing is fine by me. I say "Props." I'm sure, however, that Ms Borland has had her hand and her head in the business world longer that we know about and, of course, knew a game and had a game plan when way, way before she set sail at the business school at FAMU. But I ain' mad at her. She's got smarts, spunk and she's attractive. FAMU wasn't even a stepping stone for her. It was a rock that she saw on the pavement and kicked it (pun intended) until she had no more use for it.
ReplyDeleteThe whole press release sounds like a lot of double talk to me.
ReplyDeleteI wonder what she is REALLY doing.
1. forming alliances - she has a white sugar daddy.
2. The sugar daddy and his company have written a letter to BP inquiring about some of their assets.
3. BP has not responded. "..we are participating in the process for the initial discussions...
That means we are going to write a second letter.
4. The "global company" is Kimberly's apartment and Jacksonville and her FAMU office in Tallahassee.
Maybe I am being a little skeptical
You aren't the only one a little skeptical.
ReplyDeleteMy thoughts are that the "sugar dadies" aren't "white" but she met some fast talking Africans (my apologies to the Africans) at a club and they liked what they saw and....
And, she has P.O. Boxes in Dallas, J-Ville, etc...
Also, her resignation from FAMU was probably forced.
ENERGY? Really? I guess this little chip could no longer be moved around in the FAMU "CHESS" game.
ReplyDeleteJune, it's time to resign! You're next!
ReplyDeleteCan all of you Cast-Hell cronies just resign and save Dr. Ammons from wasting precious time firing y'all trifling asses.
ReplyDeleteSomething in the milk ain't clean.
ReplyDeleteYou can't find this company in reputable business listings, yet this company is doing deals and negotiating finances in excess of a half a billion dollars--nicka please.
Plus, since when did an undergraduate degree in busines education require all of that hyperbolated description...kill ya self!
I am too old a coon to be run up a tree by a puppy!
She'll be job hunting next week!
ReplyDeletePlease help me to understand!! As a serious minded business person (I'm assuming, why appear on your website wearing your tiara. She is an attractive young woman who doesn't need (I am assuming) to play that card. The focus should be on her intelligence and business savy.
ReplyDelete6/07/2007 6:06 PM
ReplyDeleteI agree, something's just not right with this. You'd think she have on professional business attire. We all know statistics show attractive people get ahead more so than thoses who are less attactive. No need for the beauty queen angle...unless there's not much more to offer.
With a statement like this ...
ReplyDelete"the company has forged alliances in the energy sector "that will afford us the opportunity to use acquisitions as a segment of our methodology for moving the company forward and are participating in the process for the initial discussions of navigating the alliance acquisition of British Petroleum’s exploration and production assets, and gas infrastructure business in the Netherlands and the BP Croyton Refinery in Essex, UK,"
... maybe she could use some writing advice from that professor of legal writing at the FAMU Law School!
Nelson, oohhh Nelson. Next.
ReplyDeleteLOL.. I was thinking the same thing. Maybe that Law School writing coach is her press agent
Just to be clear:
ReplyDeleteThis "interesting young lady" is NOT an SBI graduate. Her MBA was completed through a distance learning program.
Though, anyone who knows anything about SBI would know its graduates would never release a 15-line run-on sentence disguised as a press release. Nor would they launch a website in such a highly competitive industry depicting the owner as a beauty queen. Sad.
Who are the law school dean finalists?
ReplyDeleteSadam (Oh, he's dead), Castro (dying), Tony Blair (he needs a job), GW (he'll need a job), Dick Cheney (He's got a gun and ain't afraid to use it), etc. etc.
ReplyDeleteIf I don't laugh, I'll cry!!!
Don't forget Vinnie, Little and Ali, they too must be gone.
ReplyDelete6:11, Remember this is RN, an infotainment site. Borland's photo is not one which appears in professional publications. It's eye candy for the readers of this site. There are professional photos of her in other publications. this photo doesn't matter.
ReplyDeleteRN has selected to publish this photo of Borland in an effort to garner the comments that, as everyone see, are a tad bit juicy and the commentators, greatly uninformed. Borland didn't "release" this photo. RN elected to publish it.
ReplyDeleteGoing global, uh?
ReplyDeleteShe already global!
"Though, anyone who knows anything about SBI would know its graduates would never release a 15-line run-on sentence disguised as a press release."
ReplyDeleteWhat evidence do you have that SBI grads are any more literate than the other school's graduates?
Do you have a writing sample?
To 6/07/2007 9:05 PM & 9:08PM
ReplyDeleteI miss spoke, she is holding her tiara. And I'm not talking about the photo on this site. I AM talking about HER site. The link in the RN article of here.
Ladies and Gents,
ReplyDeletePlease leave that poor young lady alone. She has never done anything to any of you.
No one is safe on this blog - no matter who you are. How would you like it if your parents, friends, other family members read garbage about you on a public website?
Don't hate!! I heard that some distance learning programs are no joke. FAMU could benefit from more programs that would not require students to stand in long ass lines and deal with triffling, power-crazed people that work in some of these offices.
ReplyDeleteNo, no one is safe. The playing field is level here. Thanks RN!!!!!
ReplyDeleteTO: 6/07/2007 10:58 PM
ReplyDeleteI understand that no one is safe here, but do we have to be so MEAN to someone who has never done anything to us?
Ms. Borland was hired to do a job, and it appears that she did a fine job, considering all that was going on around her.
I sure feel sorry for the person who takes this job the next time. Who would want it, if he/she was going to be scrutinized and all of her/his personal and family business was told on this blog?
Let the young lady move on to her next step in life - some of you don't even know her.
Just a thought.
Here is FSU's take on something that was written in another blog here.
Headline: FSU leads nation among research universities in undergraduate degrees to African-Americans
The most recent issue of the journal Diverse: Issues in Higher Education reports that Florida State University is among the very top schools in the United States at producing minority graduates.
The magazine's May 31 issue uses 2005-2006 data to rank the top 100 producers of minority undergraduate degrees. For all disciplines combined, FSU ranks fifth in degrees awarded to black undergraduates with 931. That is a 15 percent increase over 2004-2005. (more)
Actually, this is the first photo Miss Borland we found. We edited it to make it more appropriate for the site.
ReplyDeleteThis was on the local CBS news. Here's the story from them today.
ReplyDeleteFAMU & FSU Top Producers of African-American Graduates
Posted: 7:01 PM Jun 7, 2007
Last Updated: 7:34 PM Jun 7, 2007
Reporter: Claudine Cleophat
Email Address: claudine.cleophat@wctv6.com
FAMU & FSU Top Producers of African-American Graduates
More African-American students attend FAMU than any other school. Now FAMU is raising the the bar when it comes to graduating those students. The journal ranked FAMU number one in the nation. For many FAMU students the news serves as a beacon of light.
"My professors that I have they've done their jobs and they've educated me immensely. Through everything that's still going on you've got teachers, the professors and students other than administration that are still doing what they're doing for the students," said FAMU student Everett Fletcher.
Perhaps the biggest shocker: FSU ranked fifth.
"I would have probably put them in the middle like 50 or 75," said FSU student Jessica Ball-Wever.
After looking back at their experiences many FSU students say they understand why they beat out so many others including HBCU's.
"Like C.A.R.E that helps out African-Americans with studying that might have harder times with graduating. I think it helps a lot and maybe that's why we were ranked number five," said Ball-Wever.
For others money talks and is helping them walk across the graduation stage.
"I came to FSU because it was a large multicultural school and it was a state school so I'd be paying in-state tuition and also I get Florida Bright Futures and other grants to aid me in pursuing my career goals," said FSU student Ingrid Thelisme.
Officials from FAMU and FSU credit the success to long term goals of improving retention and graduation rates.
The Journal used the 2005-2006 list of graduates that was reported to The U.S. Department of Education’s National Center for Education Statistics to compile its ranking.
From her website:
ReplyDelete"Kimberlee International Energy Corporation is position for growth as an international oil & gas company that will continue to grow into a global energy group; provided sustainable employment for people while operating in countries worldwide."
Not only does that sentence not say anything, it's grammatically incorrect! And the pictures of her in the tiara? What a joke! What serious, professional woman wants herself to be seen that way? Even the most beautiful professional women I know realize how hard it is to be taken seriously in the business world without the added hardship of prancing around like a little princess.
The whole business looks like a front for something shady. My guess is girlfriend got suckered into being the head of something that will invariably come tumbling down around her feet. Ms. Borland is in for some serious wake-up calls when she finally gets out into the real world on her own. She'll be eaten alive in no time.
<< participating in the process for the initial discussions of navigating the alliance acquisition of British Petroleum’s exploration and production assets,>>
ReplyDeleteI'm in the energy biz. This statement means that she has NOTHING at all right now, likely nothing more than an email with some engineer in British Petroleum saying they want to have lunch. Guaranteed she got a lawyer to help her write that sentence, b/c she is trying to make what she has sound more important than it is.
I love that anyone black is getting into the energy biz, although you are buying in at a high point. I would recommend she itznay that "international" part and try to acquire currently operating wells in the US that larger oil companies are trying to get rid of. That would scare up some quick cash if she could manage to keep the overhead low.
She should also look at buying portions of contracts (1% owner of some wells), so that she can learn and gain credibility while stockpiling some cash for larger investments. Good for her though. Have fun.
Can you say - or is anyone here even old enough to remember - "WEDTECH"?
ReplyDeleteSadly, RN has done more to destroy in the eyes of many than to uplift. Ms. Borland, like many others criticized on this board, did her job to the best of her ability. The picture of her in a bathing suit is ignorant, crass and bears no relationship to her former duties at A&M.
ReplyDeleteHas anyone noticed that no such website exists for FSU or UF? Its because their workers and supporters understand how to keep problems on the low.
9:59-if you don't like RN, then don't come to the site. RN has not done anything to destroy.....it is Miss Borland who has a picture of herself on her company's website, with a tiara in her hand. And the only pics I have seen of Ms. Borland are of her in swimsuits. This blog tells the truth! Period! If the truth hurts, oh well. I applaud RN for the info provided b/c without RN, FAMU would have probably been handed to FSU on a silver platter. There is so much FAMU info I never would have known about had I not come to this site. And thanks RN, for a job well done. And 9:59, please don't compare the way we deal with adversity to the way FSU or UF deals with it. As a black university, our problems and the way they are dealt with are totally different. You see, FSU and UF don't have to constantly watch their backs to make sure some other university is trying to steal their programs, or better yet, their university campus. It's apples and oranges. It's just totally different.
ReplyDeleteThis was on the local CBS news. Here's the story from them today.
ReplyDeleteThis story was on RN 4-5 days ago! Keep up!
^^^6/08/2007 9:59 AM
ReplyDeleteActually FSU does have a blog site. They just keep their dirt hiding under that thick wool rug of theirs. Rattlernation is the only source of FAMU news for most folks. If a person doesn't like what they read just don't come on the site.
RN does not qualify as news. RN is a gossip page, nothing more. It appeals to ignorant people. An individual who happens upon this site will ultimately believe that FAMU should be shut down if the evil comments and innuendo often expressed here is indicative of its grads...You can dissent without being ignorant. You can express personal views without spreading unsubstantiated rumors.
ReplyDeleteAnd you can quit coming to the site if you do not like it 'ol Cassie!
ReplyDeleteda_rattler, where i can find the unedited picture.
ReplyDelete"And you can quit coming to the site if you do not like it 'ol Cassie!"
ReplyDeleteIts comments like this that makes people pissed. Whoever wrote this must be one miserable fired ex worker or current employee who screws around on the net all day, contributing nothing to the cause of humanity.
12:53-no actually, I am a very happy, well-adjusted, self-employed millionaire who gets highly upset when people come on here and try to low-rate RN. Again, we would not have known half the things we know about FAMU, Casthell, etc. were it not for RN. Now, you get back to work and leave RN alone.
ReplyDelete1:56. I'm a millionaire too! And about to be even moreso. I don't know why folks thing black people don't have wealth.
ReplyDeleteI guess I need to go buy a flashy car.
6/08/2007 11:23 AM
ReplyDelete"RN does not qualify as news. RN is a gossip page, nothing more. It appeals to ignorant people."
So you must be one of those ignorant people. RN does the samne as any other newspaper, magazine, or media outlet. You're on here getting your information concerning FAMU, so whats your point?????
2:25- no, leave the flashy rides to 12:53 since we're "ignorant". My, my, my! 12:53, you are something else.
ReplyDeleteCongrats 2:25. I love to see successful blacks doing their thing. Peace!!!
WOW....IT'S nice to see FAMU RN readers as millionaires and that they are willing to say they are. Now..how would statement or notification to us turn into REAL $ support when Dr. Ammons Get HERE....Or is this one of those Henderson's Reports....or better yet ...... we should take you as serious as the petroluem companies will take our beauty queen holding her tiara. For FAMU's sake we hope you are millionaires and are truly committed to FAMU $$$$$$ we'll see....(announcement) Millioniare????Gave $$$$$$$$$$ to FAMU in support of...... and also and an endowed scholarship in his/her name...Their tax deductable donation is greatly appreciated by their institution. "Alumni keeping is real $$$.
ReplyDeleteTO THE PERSON WHO WROTE: This story was on RN 4-5 days ago! Keep up!
ReplyDelete6/08/2007 11:09 AM
That was added, along with the article from the FSU website ONLY to show that other places had also written about the story.
Of course, it should have been posted on the other BLOG, but this was the most current story of the day.
To that person from 11:09, STOP being so mean! It was good to see those 2 drops on this blog.
Money is not equal to intelligence. There are countless self made millionaires, from ignorant drug dealers to ignorant rap music artists.
ReplyDeleteThis blog is not journalism, real newspapers have standards or they would be sued for libel. This blog deals in rumors and hateful personal attacks way 2 much. It is just a matter of time before a libel suit is filed against the site operator too, for all of you dummies who dont know, blogs can be sued---just because someone takes on a false name doesnt mean that their real identity cant be found out. He who laughs last laughs best....
I think we should always be careful in criticizing one another, especially one of our own, but that doesn't mean we should not be vigilant and hold one another to a high level of integrity and performance. If nothing else, Castell has taught us that! Big talk that is not backed by substance has nearly destroyed this University, and it should never be tolerated. I would hate to see people wooed into investing in something that is all pomp and no circumstance.
ReplyDeleteSo, without further comment, I offer the following:
1. According to the Florida Department of State Division of Corporations, there is no "Kimberlee International Energy Corporation" registered to do business in Florida (search http://www.sunbiz.org/corinam.html)
2. According to the Kimberlee International Energy Corporation website(http://kimberleeinternational.com/press.html): their U. S. Corporate Office located at 10151 Deerwood Park Blvd., Building 200, Suite 250
Jacksonville, Florida 32256.
3. A Google search on that address turns up a "virtual office" company, "Deerwood Park Center." (http://offices.hq.com/locations/US/FL/Jacksonville/FloridaJacksonvilleDeerwoodParkCenter.htm)
4. For a few hundred dollars a month anyone can create a "Headquarters." See http://virtualoffices.hq.com/locations/US/FL/Jacksonville/FloridaJacksonvilleDeerwoodParkCenter.htm?tab=pricing
Real millionaires do not have to announce their wealth. Yall don't have a penny in the bank. Stop flodging and perpetrating on this blog. Yall are broke. Reall milionaires are there making more money. Other broke folks like me (FAMU let me go, but that's ok cause I am at a white school where I got my first check on time. Sometimes it is a blessing to leave. Some of all yall are missing your true blessing cause you are getting bogged down in FAMU mess).
ReplyDeleteAmyway, back to these self proclaimed millionaiers, show us the money when we have our campaign to raise money.
12:01-no need for me to prove my status as a millionaire; I was only mentioning this fact b/c I was accused of being a disgruntled fired FAMU employee. Don't hate....be happy for those of us who have busted our asses to get where we are. And for the record, I have always given $$$$ to FAMU and will continue to do so.
ReplyDelete6/9 9:59am wrote:
ReplyDelete"This blog deals in rumors and hateful personal attacks way 2 much. It is just a matter of time before a libel suit is filed against the site operator too, for all of you dummies who dont know, blogs can be sued---just because someone takes on a false name doesnt mean that their real identity cant be found out."
Most dummies know that Blogger.com and ISPs are actually somewhat protected by federal law from releasing the names of the people who run this blog. It is up to the the plaintiff in a lawsuit to sufficiently prove why the name(s) should be released.
As for libel, anybody can file a libel suit -- or any lawsuit in the USA for that matter. It just doesn't mean they'll win, even if the case runs its course. Most of us dummies also know that when the plaintiff is a public official-- which Castell and her board members are-- he/she has to prove there were damages caused by the statements." See a partial Supreme Court ruling:
"The constitutional guarantees require, we think, a
federal rule that prohibits a public official from
recovering damages for a defamatory falsehood
relating to his official conduct unless he proves that
the statement was made with ”actual malice” —that
is, with knowledge that it was false or with reckless
disregard of whether it was false or not."
The burden of proof is on Castell -- or anyone else who feels damaged by RN -- to prove 1)they were damaged and how, 2) the comments/opinions/rumors were put here without ANY supporting facts, 3) any incorrect statements were put on here with RN publishers' knowledge the statements were incorrect.
Good luck with that.
As for the people upset with the overseers at RN for criticizing FAMU officials: Don't complain when they tell others about your dirty house. Save that energy for cleaning your house!
It's time for Liz McBride to resign and open up her taxi service like she was driving Thelma Thompson around like she was Ms. Daisy.
ReplyDeleteLook how KIM is laughing at all of y'all. This is obviously not legit, she probably just did it for fun (which I find very sexy) to see how you all will react.
ReplyDeleteKIM give me a call you got my number holla.
So 12:53 and 1:56 are millionaires, huh? Where are their donations to FAMU? Oh that's right, big talk is what it's all about. I'm so stupid! I keep thinking the Rattlers on this blog (and the Trustees) really care about FAMU. Silly me.
ReplyDelete"Anonymous said...
ReplyDeleteIt's time for Liz McBride to resign and open up her taxi service like she was driving Thelma Thompson around like she was Ms. Daisy.
6/11/2007 9:03 AM"
And Nelson Townsend needs to be the cab driver. LOL
ReplyDeleteYeah, I'm a hater. I hate seeing selfish people run roughshod over good, decent, hardworking people so they can anoint their inept friends to overpaid positions that they haven't a clue how to perform! And I hate seeing a wonderful institution run into the ground by the autocratic appointees of republiklan politicians, too! I'll join all true Rattlers in hating those things and in praying that we never have to live through them ever again.