Workers not being paid again

da rattler
Florida A&M University President James Ammons is investigating why 242 employees didn't get paid this week, university spokeswoman LaNedra Carroll said.

One of the 242 employees is Marion Harmon - a 21-year-employee of the university - who works as a professor in the computer information system's department.

Harmon called to various departments Thursday to find out why he didn't get a paycheck. Eventually, he was told that "several others" didn't get a paycheck either.

Read more here: Where's my pay check?

Lack of pay may cause workers to quit

Check isn't in the mail

No pay for TAs and Adjuncts

Checks short/TAs go without

Some professors not being paid

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  1. One person processing checks for the whole university after all of the others walked out. Things are bound to get behind.

  2. I am a faculty member that got paid for 6 hours instead of 80. I called Payroll and was told about some kind of "processing glitch" that related to contract dates. They assured me that I'd get the balance on Monday via what was called an "on-demand" check. I'm crossing my fingers.

    BTW you can guess what they said when I asked if they'd pay for any bounced checks.

  3. FAMU is a joke!

  4. What happened to Ammons assurance to Clyde Ashley on July 2nd that people WOULD get paid. Oh! Of course! As usual there was the slippery language! Ammons just never said WHEN they would get paid!

    Seriously folks. It is time the school was put into receivership like S&L or Enron and taken over by some competent State Commission/Committee....

  5. Well, you can't blame Castell for this "glitch." Girlfriend's long gone, so who're you gonna blame? Robinson was at the helm when Cassie left, and now Ammons is the man of the hour. Go figure.

  6. "Seriously folks. It is time the school was put into receivership like S&L or Enron and taken over by some competent State Commission/Committee.... "

    Amen! These "glitches" sound a little fishy to me. Either there are some hands in the payroll cookie jar that shouldn't be or there are some folks tryna CYA.

  7. While everybody else wasn't getting a paycheck, looks like Lundy Langston was STILL GETTING PAID FROM NOVA SOUTHEASTERN COL! VOL 12, No. 2 of the ILSA JOURNAL OF INTERNATIONAL & COMPARATIVE LAW LISTS LANGSTON AS A PROF @ NOVA AS OF SPRING 2006. So who was Langston's employer FAMU or Nova? How long does faculty leave last? Was she double dippin'? Hmmmm? Sounds like some lil' lady has breached a contract ... Or maybe .... Hmmmm ... You think she was promised a huge 6-figure salary and wrongfully skipped out on her former employer? Word on the street is that she couldn't qualify for a sabbatical at Nova, so she took a bit of leave - but 5 years worth? Wonder why she never got tenure at Nova? Maybe its the failure to perform that did it. Come on! Somebody ought to look into that!

  8. Please give Dr. Ammons a chance. He and his administration started July 2, 2007 and all of these processing activities were already in place. FAMU's situation can not be fixed over night. So STOP this complaining or volunteer your assistance (go to campus and work)to help them fix the problems.

  9. That's the problem. People ARE working. Alot are working very hard. How would anyone like it if they worked hard and didn't get paid???? FAMU already pays most of its staff and faculty so lousy that they live paycheck to paycheck. Getting paid late, or not at all leaves them in horrible situations. I always find it amazing that all the people actually making good money at FAMU, don't have any payroll problems.

    FAMU was paying Grace Ali and other financial executives with the university excessive salaries (if you look at other schools with higher enrollments than ours, those execs get paid less UF, UM, USF, etc.) of high six figures. Not getting all employees on payroll is the basis of their jobs. If they can't do that then why do they work in those capacities?????

    One day FAMU will get serious about its problems instead of saying "Oh we're the best!!!!!" Because its proven all the time that the problems are NOT being addressed! No faculty and staff morale equals no customer service. No customer service means no students. No students equals......?????

  10. Castell jacked up the payroll/personnel departments so badly that it will take a while to get to the bottom of the problems.

  11. Looks like BB has her energy channeled in the wrong directon. This is just one of the many pitfalls that will come under her leadership.

    Only time will tell.....that is one mad black woman if I ever saw and FAMU will suffer. She replaced a competent and well accomplished dean with a dean that everyone knows is nothing but a puppet/pawn that is afraid to challenge the status qou. Dantley runs cicles around the man hands down.....

  12. 6:47 pm no one said that FAMU employees do not work hard and do not deserve their pay checks on time. But let Dr. Ammons fix the problem. I suggest that you pick up the phone and talk with Dr. Ammons. LET THE MAN DO HIS JOB!

  13. FAMU is run like a Banana Republic. I bet Dr. Ammons gets his check on time.

  14. 3:51, what the hell are you talking about??? Give who a m/f chance? Do you think for a moment that bill collectors care anything about whether a m/f got paid on tme or not??? Bill collectors don't give a rat's petula about any "chances." Folks want their money!!! You'd be singing a different m/f tune if your sorry ass didn't get paid on time. Folks don't want to hear that song you're singing. So STFU.

  15. anon, 8:30--do you think that James Ammons is going to talk to a po-assed teacher. You're living in some kind of fairy tale world if you think folks can simply "pick up the phone and talk to James Ammons." You're lucky if his multitude of "assistants" don't laugh your ass off the phone, coming to them with that BS about not getting paid. Child, please.

  16. You can always tell when someone has nothing to say because cursing becomes their mantra. Sad!

  17. 8:30pm

    YOU CAN"T BE SERIOUS!!!!!! Please answer me this. You work 80 hours and don't get a paycheck. Also add to that that you're grossly underpaid and live check to check. Are you saying it would be cool for you one, and two, is acceptable to just call the CEO/President/Chairman (whatever) of your company and be told that everything will be alright???? If that's cool for you then that's fine, but in the normal world, you can't just call the boss and they answer. In the the normal world when you work, you get paid on time. It's not like FAMU is going to pay a penalty to those not paid, or administrators/execs at FAMU are going to go in their pockets to help.

    Please get a grip! That "Oh let them do their jobs" bs is played! You did the same thing with Gainous, the same thing with Castell and know you've times it by 30 with Ammons. FAMU needs to HOLD PEOPLE ACCOUNTABLE!!!!! Stop following blindly like sheep and ask pertinent and deep questions. The Board of Trustees DID NOT DO THAT and look at where we are! ON PROBATION for reasons INCLUDING administrative services.

    I take it back, one person on the Board of Trustees did ask the pertinent and deep questions. Barney Bishop, but he was vilified and hated for going against the beloved CVB (and yes she was Beloved at one time). The only one that asked questions and tried to bring things into the light like hiring lackluster and incompetent staff like Debra Austin is laughing his ass off at FAMU. And if things don't change soom there will be way more jokes to be had at the expense of FAMU!!!!

  18. ^^^^^^^^^^
    Ooooops.....first paragragh> "Cool for you not to get paid on time for one"

  19. Striiikkkkkeeeee ONE!
    Three strikes James and you are out.

  20. Anonymous at 12:36 pm

    To Hell with Barney Bishop. Quit sweating that man...He was accused and never answered about that student apartment construction contract for his buddy Rudd...

  21. Its that PeopleSoft needs to go. But I know it won't be gone no time soon... Cause we spent so much money and time for it and will cost even more money and time to get rid of it. That system is a piece of crap.

  22. Let’s face it, we are in trouble. We wanted a Rattler and we now have a Rattler, but at what cost? It appears that the President has made deals to seal his presidency. Look at the transition team---there is not a new idea in the bunch. His administration is filled with retreads and hanger-ons. Our Provost is a chief example. She is not a scholar or an academician and she surround herself with kiss-a** and yes-men and women. When she did teach in secondary ed (and I use that word loosely) she was sick most of the time. I know from experience, I was one of her students. I wonder what he owed her. Unless we are able to accept new ways of doing and new people with new ideas; we are doomed to failure. Our continual problem with payroll is a prime example.

  23. Ammons hasn't even been here a month and you think these problems are going to just go away over night? People he already dealt with a school that was a financial mess before or do some of you have selective memories.. FAMU issues are not going to go away over night so stop acting like a bunch of whining babies. FAMU was left in such a mess that it would take divine intervention to clean it up in any timely matter. Instead of you coming on here complying why don't you give a detail reasonable solution to the problems.
    And while I’m on this story why the hell did they use Harmon. He is a bitter old man that should have been terminated from CIS department a long time ago. That's one of the things I hate about Tenure is that it make it hard to get rid of people like him. He still bitter about being demoted from Chairman to just a professor.

  24. What a bunch of idiot morons posting on here. The man has only 21 days into this job, and you self-seeking, self-gratification, want-it-right-now, front-running phonies are down on him like the clowns that you are.

    When he took office, he stated that in his first 100 days (reading is fundamental, BTW) he will address the operational issues- which includes PAYROLL, knuckleheads!. No where did I see him stating that all would be well or solved in 21 days!

    What a bunch of imps. Please post all of your addresses on here. I'll mail you each a quarter so that you all can GO DOWN THE STREET AND BUY A LIFE!! Boneheads.

  25. The truth of the matter is that the Ammons administration had only been in office two days when this payroll was certified. Payroll is certified two (2) weeks before pay day. Information is powerful. A lack of information deems ignorance. It is mighty funny that Harmon did not raise his head up when Cassie and her destructive team was in office. He laid very low because much of our woes with the National Science Foundation lies on his back. Harmon needs to keep his head tucked in a barrel. He is blessed to still have a job.

  26. I am one of the employees that didn't get paid. I DO NOT blame Ammoms. I do not expect FAMU's problems to be resolved overnight or for that matter over the next few years.

    Let's be fair and realistic -- it's going to take a long time to see progress. So folks let's give the man a chance and stop being so negative. It will get us nowhere!

    He's our only chance at this point to get out of this quagmire. Think about the other people that could have been selected as out new president..................

  27. Thanks to the last two posters for your comments of reason. Some individuals on this site do not want FAMU to get out of this mess. It is disturbing how negative some people can be. I too have pay check issues and I am willing to work with the University to solve these problems. The root of the problem maybe within your own department and not the computer system.

  28. To many "workers" at FAM think that a payroll processing deadline is just a suggestion, not a date and time that, if missed, will cause fellow employee not to get paid. The same goes for people who have to approve the payroll before the person can get paid. It all selfishness - not caring enough to make sure you do you damn job so folk can get paid. I've seen it time and time again. Sad, man.

  29. I am a professor with an incredible teaching record and a nice research vita. I did not get paid.

    I QUIT last Friday and I have already been offered a position by another university (at a higher rate of pay I might add).

    I came to FAMU with a certain idealism, but I cannot work for free.

    This is not the first time I have not been paid.

    It happens TOO frequently.

    FAMU is always good for the money, but WHEN you get paid is always a variable.

    I have finally had enough.


  30. It would be nice for all the posters defending the school for not paying its employees to offer up their paychecks for those that are lacking. I don't know what world some of you like in, but in the real world banks, lein holders, landlords, car financiers and the like don't care about a person's employer having "payroll issues." They care about their payment. So everyone saying wait, and give the new administration a chance, please be a dear and donate your checks so the ones who didn't receive their checks can pay their bills on time and not have to pay late fees on any of them.

    Remember, most that work on the school live check-to-check LITERALLY. So go ahead and give YOUR checks and then we can all wait and give as much time is needed for Ammons to make the appropriate changes. Then we can all be happy and not just some. If over two hundred employees didn't get paid, then that's significant. I would imagine there is less than 1500 employees on campus. Thanks!

  31. To those that say give Ammons a chance since he has only been here 20+ days: Ammons was around the University for more than a month before he officially came on board. Or have you forgotton that he was here for the May BOT meeting. He was well aware that Castell had had a payroll fiasco. If he accepted the FAMU job without knowing most of the problems he was going to have to solve then he is an idiot. Harmon has every right to be bitter over the way FAMU has handled him in the past as well as not getting his pay on time. FAMU A&S Deans office has a history of losing paperwork. In fact it is well known that it is not a good idea to submit paperwork early as you will just have to do it over again after it has been lost by that office. To the professor who has just gotten a new job - where? Can I come too? Share the escape route.

    Regarding the hiring of "retreads". I was told that it was our VP for Sponsored Research, Keith Jackson that coined that term? Anyone know if that is correct?

  32. viewer's get with the program, cast-Hell left behind a whole lot of new comer's , remember she got rid of most of the old employee's and hire her people paying them top dollar's, what do you expect! Is a known fact, Dr. Ammons need to put payroll back under Mrs. Woodard.

  33. Rattler Nation please do not senseless blogger post on this site!

  34. To anonymous who wrote """"Rattler Nation please do not senseless blogger post on this site! """"

    I hope this is not a student writing the above else clearly Castell was wrong in her evaluation of our students being 2/4. She was too generous! 1/4 or less would be more exact.

  35. What is worse? Apathy or incompetence?

  36. What's worse?

    Banana or republic?

  37. They SAID "Monday or Tuesday." That must mean Thursday because I don't know of anyone that got paid on Monday.

  38. Promise was deposited in my account. Hope it's true for others.

  39. Was it ALL the money FAMU owed you or just 80%. Normally if an employee is not paid correctly then the university cuts money from the so-called "revolving fund" and they only give you 80%? The other 20% comes in the next pay check - assuming in these times that there is another pay check! You had better "check".

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