Part of Willis’ role and responsibility includes working collaboratively with students, faculty and staff across the university to support and promote strategic initiatives for the Division of Student Affairs. In addition, he will oversee the following student affairs departments: counseling services, student health services, career center and the Learning Development and Evaluation Center (LDEC).
Willis received his bachelor’s degree in American history from Montclair State University, the masters of education from Rutgers University, and has completed work toward a Ph.D. at the University of Toledo.
At NCCU Dr. Ammons hired a lot of 40 and under folk...Young folk. I was excited because my friends and are are all under 35 and have gone on from the Hill and obtained advanced degrees and were looking to come back and serve our beloved FAMU. Yet,everytime I see a new face hired for something they have worked longer then we have been alive! With the exception of the CESTA hire. Older people PLEASE retire so that younger people can work!
ReplyDeleteAnd please no need to reply with hate. I saw my parent yeild a job to a younger person A) because she had been doing it for over 30yrs B) because the younger person was a grad of FAMU & was qualified and C) she had prepared and planned well to be able to retire
Dr. Ammons knows what he's doing. Wait in line and be ready when your time comes.
ReplyDeleteEd Willis is really a good guy, a real class act.
ReplyDeleteMy because of the sad condition Cast-hell left FAMU in, Dr. Ammons had to go with seasoned veterans rather than "up and comers". Just a thought.
That's right. Unfortunately, there's really no time for on-the-job training right now. We need seasoned veterans who can hit the ground running from day one.
ReplyDeleteHowever, if you and your friends are ready to start working now, you could definitely seek out entry-level positions within the administration and get into the promotion pipeline. FAMU's always been good at producing its own, talented leadership and you could be part of that proud tradition.
I totally agree with the first post. FAMU has turned to hiring retirees. It's time for some young professionals to be hired for a change. If I'm not mistaken, this is the husband of Mrs. Willis, VP of Univ. Relations. Another political "hookup". Whereas, alumni of this University can not secure a position. When does this trend stop??
ReplyDelete1:39, your mom did very well for herself, but just because someone has been working at a job for "over 30 years" does not necessarily translate into the ability to retire. Plus, veteran workers need income just as well. Sometimes, dear, it takes more than "planning well" in order to retire. Sometimes "unexpected" things happen that toss all "plans" out the door. You sound quite smug. Plus, I agree with Poster 3:40: Be ready when your time comes. The now-mature workers waited. It's call professional evolution.
ReplyDeletePLEASE......Another hook up job.
ReplyDeleteThey hired his sorry underqualified wife (who had never been a VP, Associate VP, Assistant VP or anything CLOSE to a VP anywhere ever in her life) as our VP over another more qualified VP with an advanced degree from another institution (his wife only has a bachelors in "interdisciplanary sciences" or liberal arts for you and me). His wife received the lowest scores when interviewed, but because she was a consultant for Ammons an NCCU, she got the job. She needs consultants for every facet of her job. So the little success she has gained is not because of her, but.......sadly......consultants. If you remember, when she came on board i think RN broke a record (over a hundred posts if i remember) for the posts bringing this to light.
So sadly, the politics of FAMU means we hire her....triple her salary and then "hook up" her husband to come on board. Yeah, he's personable, but he beat out a person who 1) already runs one of the departments he's over (and doesn't need to learn on the job), 2) has a doctorate, and 3) is a former FAMU EMPLOYEE OF THE YEAR!!!!!!! But I will give him credit though. He's WAY BETTER than his wife!!!!!
This is laughable......HA!!!
One day, when FAMU hires based on actual ability, knowledge, skill and talent, we will truly rise as an institution and see our true selves. The more we hire based on "who you know" we will never see our true potential. I hope Ammons is done with all the favors I guess he owes.
Just my $.02
ReplyDeletePromotion pipeline?????
What promotion pipeline? Who's been promoted since the new administrations come. I'd love to see that percentage of inside promotion to outside promotion. My bets 8-11%. Who's taking bets????
Here's some REAL advice.
If you want to make good money at FAMU, be a consultant. You'll make way more pay, less will be required of you and in the end you won't even have to complete (or do well at) any task assigned to you.
ReplyDeleteIsn't that true for consultants at just about anywhere?
So this new guy has done "coursework toward the Ph.D.", but has not done all that he needs to have done to actually get the degree?? Hell, there are a lot of folks who fit into that "work toward the Ph.D" category. It's called: ABD/PhD. --all but dissertation. You mean to tell me that this was the best person Ammons could find? A doctoral student drop out? Apparently, the guy didn't even make it to doctoral "candidacy" status, which is a whole different category than simply "student," which apparently he is/was. If the guy was a doctoral candidate, the write-up would have said so. So all he did was "take classes, and plenty folks can (and do) do that. Give me a friggin' break.
ReplyDeleteDr. Ammons knows what he's doing. I trust his judgment. He hasn't failed us yet.
ReplyDeleteLets stop the N word mess.
You know this cyber bullying is so unnecessary. Carla Willis left a good job in ohio to come and help dr. ammons clean up the mess left behind by the other crew in the presidents office on this campus. Obviously if the president didn’t have faith in the lady’s ability he wouldn’t have asked her to be here. If you gonna support dr. ammons then do that and stop complaining. Lets help him and her by doing our own jobs, and doing them well. Sweep around your own front door. If your career isn’t where you want it to be then perhaps you need to check yourself and make a change. Degrees just indicate that you went to school to learn about your profession but a bunch of letters behind your name does not mean you can get the job done. We’ve got some people up here in Lee hall and even on the second floor that have b.s., masters, and may be even phds and still can’t get it done. some of them have been on this campus for years. Stop complaining. Imagine how our careers could improve if we stop worrying about what other people have or don’t have and worried about doing our own jobs well. anonymous
ReplyDeleteThe only problem I have is that this school does not retain nor develop its young talent. There are too many people at this school that has no imagination or drive to get to the next level. To many that don’t want to learn a new way do to business or even try to find out how to. As far as the promotion pipeline comment, are you serious? Most people on this campus know any job on FAMU that has any good pay is going to be political (meaning you have to know someone to get it). If you are not in that good ole boys/girls club then you can forget it.
ReplyDelete12:19, i trust that you have no "letters behind your name."
ReplyDeleteit doesn't matter what is said or unsaid on this board. people will continue to get hired -- as a matter of fact, they will continue to do so all day long.
ReplyDeleteRunning student affairs isn't rocket science. You don't need a Ph.D. you just need experience and common sense which this guy obviously has.
ReplyDelete4:22......He doesn't run Student Affairs, I believe Roland Gaines does. he just oversees some departments under that umbrella. People are upset that he was picked over a candidate that has actually contributed to the success of FAMU, hence named a former Employee of the Year. Mr. Willis has done nothing for FAMU, we just hope he does, while the other candidates in the running were proven.
12:19.....That sort of "blind faith" is what got us put on probation, and I would hope (like others here) we will never go back down that road again. We support an institution, not just people. The institution is more important. Its been here long before any of us and will be here long afterwards. Commenting on hiring practices should be brought to light. We are investing in more outside talent than internal. When we deny promotions to proven, talented faculty and staff it can become a detriment to the morale and integrity of the institution.
I'm glad you support Ammons, I do as well. I have totally extended myself financially to give more than what I should have. I've learned in my life that "blind faith" is very hit or miss. And sorry, but if you need to hire consultants within the first two months of your employment, and you are in the leadership.......then you aren't ready for the leadership position. I doubt that if Mr. Willis wasn't the husband of Carla Willis, he wouldn't have even been in the running. I hope he does well, because the decision has been made, but if we don't continue to speak about the future of FAMU and the investment in it, we are doomed to repeat the sins of our past. What inspiration does a staff, faculty or general employee have if their ceiling is made of concrete?
If an alleged former Employee of the Year can't get hired over a family member of someone who, arguably, shouldn't have been hired themselves, then the bright flame of FAMU's future dims just a bit. Sorry.
If we can speak of only one or two young talented professionals being able to wade through the muddied waters of nepotism, politics and unethical practics, we have to question the internal investment of the institution. It's shameful and disrespectful to honor more those that have done nothing for the institution (because they've never worked here previous), than those that fight the good fight daily.
So give.....support......love and cherish. But don't put blinders on and just say "everything will be okay." Remember.....we praised Castell Bryant first before she was vilified. And that is not a knock against Ammons, he's wonderful for simply bringing back the spirit to FAMU. Its more a knock against that old "Good-Ole-Boy/Girl" mentalitly that has plagued the univeristy.
who was/is the teacher of the year?
ReplyDelete9:48 p.m. & 3:54 p.m.
ReplyDeleteI truly understand the point that was made about blind fate and the need for promotions for those who have work hardest. We have to be cautious in our efforts because you are right we don’t want to regress but progress. But I still challenge the point regarding promotions. The President and his leadership team have the prerogative to bring in, hire, fire, transfer, etc., whomever they choose, whether we like it or not. If we were in those high ranking decision making positions we would do the same thing.. be honest. But we are not. So either we do the jobs we have to best of our ability are risk the alternative when we do not perform to the level of expectation. And for all we know more changes could be in the wind. We all need to watch our backs. There are times when some people are overlooked and that is unfortunate. However there are instances where some people need to look in the mirror and check themselves. Some employees are perfectly happy doing the same job for 40 years. They are in their comfort zone and that is fine, if they are happy. But if employees are upset and have been in the same rut since the Humphries, Gainous, Interim Lewis, Interim Bryant, and now Ammons administrations and you are not happy with your career, then perhaps you need to ask what’s wrong with me? Surely if your desire was to advance and the leadership in all those administrations couldn’t see your worth then self evaluation is needed. And perhaps those folks need to consider moving on to another state job so that their retirement benefits will not be lost. Cause the reality is all of our chatter about the decisions ain’t gonna stop the world from turning, and like the other person said, FAMU will still be around when many of us are long gone.
some of you folks sure have a lot of extra time on your hand. these posts are LONG! I have to read some and come back later.
ReplyDelete8/01/2008 9:48 PM
ReplyDeleteYou hit the nail on the head with your post. I completely agree with you 100%.
With all the mentioning of budget cuts folks are still being hired at astronomical pay scales. Yet those that have served the University for years can't get one raise.
Truth hurts. No one is knocking Dr. Ammons but I'm no fool and I know nepotism is a huge problem on FAMU campus.
FAMU will begin to lose some great employees. Moral is slipping right back down again.
Who was the internal candidate who was passed over?
ReplyDelete9:38.....you are definitely entitled to your opinion as all of us are. It just seems that it can be inferred from your post that you don't mind loosing quality professionals to other institutions. If you've noticed in the last few years that all these so-called "Highly Touted" administrators and the like, have bounced around everywhere. They come here and get more on their salary lines than they've ever made before, contribute minimally and then leave to make lateral moves elsewhere. We've basically made it for these people to move on with higher salary requirements....thats all.
ReplyDeleteI just wish it were more opportunities for current employees to rise. If you look at many other highly successful companies (Ebay, Interscope, Phizer, Viacom, etc.), retention and cultivation of talent is a major priority.
It's one thing to get the ball and drop it, but its another thing to never be allowed to play.
Who was the internal candidate who was passed over?
ReplyDelete8/03/2008 3:22 PM
Dr. Delores Dean
The jury is still out on this one too.
This is so sad. Dr. Dean has been employed at the University for over 20 years with a Doctorate Degree. Most importantly, she is an alumni of the University. Why does it have to be about a "hook-up"? The alumni association really should look into cases like this. Alumni are not good enough to receive positions at the University. Dr. Dean is a "well qualified candidate, she is not a young profession. So, what is the problem?? Where is the "Excellence With Caring" in this hiring practice!!
ReplyDeleteSo, this one household has over $325,000 total income!! But, the University has budget problems. Where is the money coming from!! Most importantly, alumni are receiving calls to give back to the University. It makes it hard to give back when alumni are being denied positions at the University. Alumni are good enough to send money to the University, but not good enough to receive a six-figure salary!! Again, where is the alumni association??? How about stepping up to this as in the Gainous and C. Bryant case!! Stand up for your alumni and demand justice in the hiring practices at the University!
ReplyDelete8/04/2008 3:51 PM
ReplyDeleteThe President and his leadership team have the prerogative to bring in, hire, fire, transfer, etc., whomever they choose, whether we like it or not. If we were in those high ranking decision making positions we would do the same thing.. be honest. But we are not. So either we do the jobs we have to best of our ability are risk the alternative when we do not perform to the level of expectation. And for all we know more changes could be in the wind. We all need to watch our backs. There are times when some people are overlooked and that is unfortunate. However there are instances where some people need to look in the mirror and check themselves. Some employees are perfectly happy doing the same job for 30 years...
I know of some people are bitter because the feel that they desire to be in a position but they just can't seem to get their jobs right. They been moved around in the previous administration I wish they would just move on. Instead of being thankful that they still have a job they would rather dive in trying to find out why who is making more money and yet they still don’t understand why they careers haven't advanced...so sad.
ReplyDelete8/04/2008 4:08 PM
If 8/04/2008 3:51 PM has so much to say why not step up and say what's on you mind to your boss. Opinions are on thing but you apparently have something on your chest you need to get off. Don’t hate appreciate… you still have a job for now…. you could be next…just wait and see.
ReplyDelete8/04/2008 3:51 PM you’re a trip. As many husbands and wives that are employed by FAMU current and retired I didn’t hear you call their names and complain about them and their income. Gladys and Bobby Lane, Dr. and Mrs.Perry, Mr. Marcellus Long and Richie Belle, Dr. and Mrs.Gavin. No matter what their income it doesn't pertain to you. I wish you would put your name here for the whole world to see how stupid you are... I bet you work under Mrs.Willis I hope she finds out who you are. I wish she would be like Donald Trump bring you into the board room and tell you. ….Your Firedd.
ReplyDeleteFor your information, I don't work under Mrs. Willis. I'm a concerned alumnus of this University!! As a matter of fact, I have decided to move on to another HBCU who can live up to the motto "Excellence With Caring". Thank you very much..
ReplyDelete"The only problem I have is that this school does not retain nor develop its young talent."
ReplyDeleteYou tell that by looking at that hot mess called an athletics website.
Amen!!! Say it Again!!!
ReplyDeleteThis position was advertised for quite some time. A friend of mine, who is an alumni of this University, applied for another position several years ago. My friend has a Ph.D. The friend was not selected. Ms. Lamar received the position. She does not even have a Ph.D. Therefore, my friend left this University and now is a VP for Student Affairs at another school in Florida. Once again, its sad that Alumni are overlooked for these positions.