FAMU selects 2014 Arthur Thompson Scholarship recipient

big rattler
1 minute read
FAMU Interim President Larry Robinson presented Victoria Ash, a sophomore nursing student from Tallahassee, Fla., with the 2014 Arthur Thompson Scholarship. The announcement was made during the Homecoming Pre-Game Pep Rally located at the FAMU Employee Clubhouse.

“The Arthur Thompson scholarship has been rewarded for the past 26 years to a deserving student from the Big Bend Region who demonstrated a need for financial assistance to continue their educational career,” said Robinson. “In addition to having a 3.8 GPA, Victoria is a member of the National Society of Collegiate Scholars.”

The Budweiser Arthur Thompson Scholarship fund was created in 1987 to honor Arthur Thompson, who worked for Tri-Eagle Sales for 33 years and retired in 1996. The scholarship is a $2,500 award for Big Bend area FAMU students only.

The Big Bend area includes Gadsden, Leon, Jefferson, Madison, Liberty, Wakulla, Taylor, Lafayette and Franklin counties.

Students must maintain a 2.5 grade point average with a 2.5 GPA prior to receiving the award. Applicants must be either a sophomore, junior or senior and demonstrate a need for financial assistance. The scholarship is effective in January 2014 and covers two semesters.

All of the applicants are screened by the scholarship committee prior to selection of the recipient. Each recipient is eligible for this scholarship on a one-time basis.

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