Lawson victorious in Democratic primary for Fifth Congressional District of Florida

big rattler
1 minute read
Florida A&M University alumnus Alfred “Al” Lawson, Jr. cruised to a big victory in the Democratic primary for the Fifth Congressional District of Florida. He defeated challenger Alvin Brown, the former mayor of Jacksonville, by more than 20 points.

With 100 percent (271 of 271) of precincts reporting, Lawson finished with 53,833 votes (60.3 percent) to Brown’s 35,389 votes (39.7 percent).

Lawson thanked the Democratic voters of his district and Brown in a Twitter statement on Tuesday, August 28th.

“Thank you to the voters of #FL05 who put their trust in me to lead them in Congress,” Lawson said. “We had a formidable challenger in Mr. Brown, and I congratulate him on a hard-fought race. Now, we must come together as a party to ensure this #BlueWave continues into the general #election.”

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