Former FAMU linebacker Markquese Bell honored at Super Bowl event

da rattler
1 minute read

Former FAMU linebacker turned Dallas Cowboys standout, Markquese Bell, was honored at the Super Bowl Soulful Celebration, last night, as the 2023 HBCU Spotlight Player of the Year.  
The recognition is a testament to Bell's outstanding performance and contribution to the NFL, following his journey from FAMU to becoming a standout player for the Dallas Cowboys.
"I am humbly grateful for this honor and acknowledgment to be selected for the NFL HBCU Spotlight Player of the Year for the 2023 season," expressed Bell.
During his time at FAMU, Bell showcased exceptional talent and dedication, which caught the attention of NFL scouts. He was later signed by the Dallas Cowboys, where he continued to excel on the field, proving himself as a valuable asset to the team.

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