Rattler entrepreneurs will get a chance to compete for $10k in start up cash March 1-3

da rattler
1 minute read

The So Ambitious 2024 HBCU Tour, a transformative 3-day entrepreneurial experience designed to empower Black student entrepreneurs, will make its way to FAMU March 1st to 3rd.

This immersive event aims to connect budding entrepreneurs with allies and resources, fostering an environment where innovative ideas can flourish. Over the course of the three days, student participants will engage in dynamic brainstorming sessions, learn essential skills for validating business concepts, and receive guidance on transforming their ideas into thriving companies.
Mentors, investors, and seasoned entrepreneurs will be on hand to offer invaluable support and insights to the students at the event and throughout the entrepreneurial journey.

Participants will compete for a $10,000 cash grant to bolster their business endeavors. Additionally, winning participants will secure a coveted spot in the HBCU Founders' Initiative Lookbook, amplifying their visibility within the entrepreneurial ecosystem. Furthermore, attendees will gain access to the prestigious Techstars Mentor Network, providing them with invaluable connections and expertise to propel their businesses forward on a global scale.
The So Ambitious 2024 HBCU Tour is organized by Black Ambition, a non-profit initiative founded by the renowned artist and entrepreneur Pharrell Williams.

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