Bragg Stadium faces new life and safety issues post-renovation

da rattler
1 minute read

Bragg Stadium at FAMU, which recently underwent an extensive two-year, $18 million renovation, is again facing life and safety issues, according to documents shared with the Trustees by FAMU Vice President for Audit Joseph K. Maleszewski.

The renovation, funded by a combination of $10 million from Blueprint funds and $8 million from university funds, followed the 2021 and 2022 football seasons. However, despite the significant investment, the stadium's guardrails in certain areas do not comply with the height requirements of the Florida Building Code (FBC-B 1015), as reported by Maleszewski.

The university is now seeking the most cost-effective solution to rectify the non-compliant guardrails and is awaiting proposals from the consultant and general contractor. In the interim, and as recommended by the building code official, FAMU is installing caution signage to alert individuals seated in these areas of the potential hazard.

Restrooms remain an issue.
Additionally, the stadium's restrooms have been found to be not fully compliant with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), specifically concerning elements outlined in Florida Building Code Chapter 6: Plumbing Elements and Facilities. To accommodate events while the restrooms are being brought into compliance, the university has contracted with a vendor to provide ADA accessible restrooms during stadium events.

Although both risks are considered low, the university is foregoing the option of having the construction contractor address these issues at no cost, opting instead to find the most efficient path forward.

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  1. Does this mean that we have to use portable potties at Football Games? If so that’s horrible!

    1. The portable restrooms that are brought into Bragg are not regular port-o-potties and are nicer than the ones built with the stadium. Try them out next time you go - they are the only ones I use now and most don’t know about them. They are near the north endzone area.

  2. How did I facilities staff allow the contractors to install the wrong sized guardrails? Who in facilities checks behind contractors or do we just allow them to runamuck and take our money with no consequences?

    1. The onus is on county inspectors to ensure work being done is up to code. That is who failed.

  3. Greg G and Batterson Farms will write you all a check the cost of repairs to the hand rails and restrooms. $$$ :-)

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