The survey, funded by the FAMU UFF, covered 14 questions about Bryant's progress, or lack thereof, taken verbatim from hrer "Promise to the BOT" when she took the job in January 2005.
Of the 14 promises Castell made she only passed one, with 48% approval. That goal was #8 her commitment tot make difficult decisions.
A summary of the results follows:
1) Commitment and courage to place the needs of students first.
61.2% of respondents said Castell failed to live up to this promise, while only 24% agreed she was meeting this goal, 12.3% held no position
2) Commitment to exploring and embracing new ideas, new approaches and excellence in delivery.
73% of respondents said Castell failed to live up to this promise, while only 18.3% agreed she met the goal, 7% had no position
3)Fair and realistic evaluation of current university status in all areas in an environment that promotes the spirit of inclusion.
79% said Castell failed to live up to this promise, while only 16.5% said she did, 4% had no opinion
4)Lead by example and promote integrity and high moral values in all aspects of University operation.
62% said Castell failed in this regard, while 26% said she achieved this goal, 11% had no opinion
5) Build consenus, promote responsible shared governance to the highest extent possible.
82% said Castell failed to live up to this promise, 13% said she achieved this goal, 3.5% had no opinion
6) Demonstrate pro-active leadership in the development of a responsive and effective administrative team.
64% said said Castell failed to meet this goal, 26% said she achieved it, 8.5% had no opinion
7) Accountability in the development and utilization of all university resources.
63.8% said Castell failed to live up to this promise, 24.8% said she achieved this goal, 11.8% had no opinion
8) Commitment to make difficult decisions in an environment of competing opportunitties.
48% said she met this goal, while 31% said she didn't, 18.4% had no opinion
9) Commitment to problem solving in ways that are in the best interest of the total university.
77% said Castell failed to live up to this promise, while only 16% said she met it, 6% had no opinion
10) Committment to provide leadership to crean an environment that encourages respect and promotes honesty in communications and interactions.
77% said Castell failed in this regard, while only 17% said she met this goal, 3% had no opinion
11) Enthusiaatic and high-energy leadership that is focused on increasing the number of students reaching high individual achievements iin all levels.
68% said Castell failed to meet this goal, 19% said she achieved it, 13% had no opinion
12) Commitment to lay a foundation with the BOT, individually and collectively, that provides for a smooth flow from policy to day-to-day operations.
57% said Castell failed to meet promise, 18% said she met it, 23.9% had no opinion
Additional questions asked.
13) Understands and appreciates the role and contribution of faculty to all of the above.
72% said Castell failed in this regard, 12% said she met this standard, and 5% had no opinion
14) Understand and appreciates the role and contribution of the National Alumni Association to all of the above.
64% said Castell failed in this regard, 9% gave her passing marks, 25% had no opinion
How much more ammunition is needed to get this woman OUT OF OFFICE? This should be the final straw!
ReplyDeleteThe faculty senate just needs to stop waiting, step up to the plate, and finally introduce a resolution of "No Confidence" in Castell Bryant. That will get her attention and bring this fight to the breaking point.
ReplyDeleteCheck back tomorrow. We got a couple more skud missels to drop, shock and awe style. Trust me!
ReplyDeleteI didn't see the survey, but I'm a faculty member and would've voted with the majority of all if not most items. How soon does her plane leave the runway? March '07, you say? Damn, that's not fast enough!
ReplyDeleteYou guys are so simple. The Faculty needs to teach and Castell needs to govern until a permanent president is hired.
ReplyDeleteAnd that shows just how simple you are. Do you really understand the role of the Faculty?
This is not Uncle Tom's Cabin or a southern plantation. This is higher education.
No asshole, YOU are simple. The Faculty has ZERO input in the daily governance of the school. Teachers need to spend more time teaching and less time worrying about CVB. The Board of trustees, alone, is responsible for evaluating her effectiveness, not the faculty.
ReplyDeleteTO: 11/01/2006 2:53 PM
ReplyDelete13) Understands and appreciates the role and contribution of faculty to all of the above.
72% said Castell failed in this regard, 12% said she met this standard, and 5% had no opinion
Faculty have three roles: 1) research, 2) instruction & 3) service.
ReplyDeleteResearch is the primary piece especially for faculty who are in Ph.D . and M.S. granting departments. Without publications and grant money, faculty do not attain tenure.
Instruction is not teaching. It is curriculum development, advising, delivering lectures, etc. Teaching is what primary and secondary academics do. The role of someone in higher education has to be more than just teaching. It is leading each individual into a mode of life-long learning. Faculty, thus, are in integral to a student's quest for life-long learning.
Service is their participation in departmental, college, university and external committees, subcommittees, etc. In this role (which is a part of a faculty's AOR - assignment of responsibilities), faculty deliver much more than teaching can ever do.
Thus faculty are not teachers and those that are, are doing a disservice to the profession.
Lastly, a university is run through shared governance not dictatorship. Her tenure as Interim would be marked by complete failure and inneffectiveness if she did not share governance. I hope this helps you, 11/01/2006 3:03 PM
We already knew this. We didn't need a survey to tell us what we already knew. Castell being president has really exposed the amount of disrespect the FAMU would take. I doubt it FSU or UF community would have taken this much disrespect.
ReplyDeleteGood Post anonymous 11/01/2006 3:35 PM
ReplyDeleteThanks for discussing the role of faculty. If we did a survey on them, how would they fair? How many faculty have the terminal degree? How many faculty have active research grants and what is the dollar amount? How many faculty are excellent instructors challenging their students to think critically? How many faculty aren't recycling old test? How many faculty can you find on the campus after-hours going the extra mile for FAMU students?
ReplyDeleteIn regards to the alumni, it is most inappropriate for faculty to comment unless they are an active member of the NAA. How do they know the interaction and thoughts we have about the president in her interaction with us? No one has asked the alumni what we think, not even our alumni president.
Lastly, if we would each focus on what we are responsible for, the university would be so much better.
All aspects of the university need to improve--the BOT, the alumni, the president, the staff, the professors, the rank and file workers and the students. ALL OF US, have room for improvement and all of us should do just that.
Working together we can get FAMU to where it needs to be and should be. Putting the blame and making FAMU's issues all about one person is so disingenuious.
Why spend the time for a vote of No Confidence for a president who will be gone in 6 months? Do we think she will step down or the Board will get rid of her only to name another interim president. Dr. Bryant is now broken in and has broken us in to her management style. I believe we can all ride it out and be productive the next few months.
Let's each of us focus on being the best and readying our university for the next president. Let's have our alumni organized. Let's have our professors focusing on how to improve the academics of the campus. People who want excuses 'not to do' have a list of reasons. People who are mission-oriented, 'do' no matter what storm clouds are in the sky. Strike Rattlers Strike.
Anonymous said...No asshole, YOU are simple. The Faculty has ZERO input in the daily governance of the school. Teachers need to spend more time teaching and less time worrying about CVB. The Board of trustees, alone, is responsible for evaluating her effectiveness, not the faculty.
ReplyDelete11/01/2006 3:03 PM
This is definitely a misinformed individual (probably CastHell/a crony).
Please go back to wherever you came from. A tenured professor is not relegated to just teaching. Professors -- profess. Ignat people like you and CastHell still do not understand the role of a UNIVERSITY PROFESSOR. We are not high school teachers.
In regards to the alumni, it is most inappropriate for faculty to comment unless they are an active member of the NAA. How do they know the interaction and thoughts we have about the president in her interaction with us? No one has asked the alumni what we think, not even our alumni president.
CastHell, Altha and you other cronies that just paid dues, please step to the front of the bus and exit right. How do you know what the alumni president has or has not asked? Have you been to any of the meetings? What about the recent executive board meeting? If you would stop spending so much time trying to undermine and divide the alumni, and earn those big girlfriend hook-ups (salaries) we would not be in the predicament we find ourselves in today.
CastHell's goals and objectives were never to make FAMU whole but to destroy it. Her legacy and actions are speaking loud and clear. You all are a complete utter disgrace.
And yeah, I am a card carrying NAA member and a tenured faculty.
Why spend the time for a vote of No Confidence for a president who will be gone in 6 months?
Because it will insure her ass is gone and never to return.
Let's each of us focus on being the best and readying our university for the next president. Let's have our alumni organized. Let's have our professors focusing on how to improve the academics of the campus. People who want excuses 'not to do' have a list of reasons. People who are mission-oriented, 'do' no matter what storm clouds are in the sky. Strike Rattlers Strike.
ReplyDelete11/01/2006 5:24 PM
What are you talking about?
2:53, if you were a faculty member at FAMU, which obviously you are not, you would understand the sentiments expressed via the survey. Until you walk in a FAMU faculty membr's shoes, STFU.
ReplyDeleteIt's difficult to do "quality" research (or any kind of research, for that matter), when faculty members teach FOUR classes per semester. Many times the four classes incorporate three different disciplines; then, there's the committee work, and the university committees--if you're lucky or unlucky to be asked or appointed to serve; then there's departmental work--and lots of it. If you happen to say the wrong thing to a student, then their parent wants to complain because you "hurt lil Johnny's and Susie's feelings," coupled with all of the paper-grading, and just plain ol' regular, daily stuff that goes on during the course of the day, you're pretty much frustrated at a bunch of things and people. "Teaching" is about so much more than anyone who's not in the profession can imagine. No one appreciates the preparation and dedication of what we do on an everyday basis; no one gives two flips how long you've labored over a particular paper in an effort to fairly assess that student's performance. All we--and I'm a faculty member--get are complaints, frustrations and a daily reminder that if it weren't for the students who come to the university for an education, half of us wouldn't even be there. There's not much else that keeps the faculty wanting to show up every day. The students are good kids, but the administration sucks. Shared governance? Yeah, right. Respect for the hard-working faculty? Yeah, right.
ReplyDeleteMost of you ignant assholes on this blog need to shut the fuk up and do your got damn job. Nann one of you assholes ever speak out in public or to Dr. Bryant's face. aint been no marches, no sit ins, nothing a bunch of damn talk. There aint gonna be no vote of no confidence, or whateva, cause you punk motha fukas are scared to speak up. Do the damn thang Castell!!!
ReplyDeleteAnonymous @ 11:40
ReplyDeleteAs crass as your post is, I have to admit that I am inclined to believe you.
In regards to my affiliation with the alumni association. I have been an active member for the past fifteen years, attend local, regional and national meetings and have held several offices at various levels in the NAA.
ReplyDeleteI am a member of one of the largest and most active chapters in the NAA. The NAA leadership has never had a formalized discussion of its members or leadership about the current state of affairs where input and opinions were sought. Over the last two years I have attended 4 regional meetings, 1 WORD and 2 Winter Meetings.
Just because 100 people may send emails or call the alumni president; this activity does not reflect the opinions of the remaining 50,000+ alumni around the country.
These comments are not written for or against the current university leadership, but are a statement of fact regarding the operations of the NAA.
In regards to attendance at the most recent Board Meeting, my chapter did not receive any correspondence regarding a meeting, time and location. Upon arriving to Tallahassee and speaking with members of the Executive Board, they were not notified until the week of. Those of us who travel from out of state make travel arrangements at least 6 weeks in advance.
If our intent is to have ample representation, we would notify people well in advance of any scheduled activities.
And you attended all of these meetings and never raised these issues? Yeah right.
ReplyDeleteGo sale crazy somewhere else Ruffy. Better yet tell us about the your recent resignation and that of key board members of the DC chapter.
What's up with that?