The 7-6 vote which elected James Ammons the 10th president of Florida A&M, showed clear structural deficiencies among our Board of Trustees. It is pretty obvious to, even an outside observer, that FAMU's BoT is fractured. Further, there are clearly some members of the board who are not working in FAMU's best interest.
The Board's decision not to make Ammon's selection unanimous, was just plain classless.
Now Rattler Nation has learned, that as of late Friday afternoon the Board Chair Challis Lowe had not sent the president-elect a prefuntory congratulatory letter or even reached out to him via telephone.
The only way Dr. Ammons will be able to move FAMU forward and put it back on the track to greatness is if the obstructionist members of the BOT are removed. Rattlers everywhere need to take an active role in that process.
We can start now by contacting Governor Charlie Crist and letting him know that the FAMU BoT needs his attention. Specifically, Trustees Lowe, Allen, Branker, Jenkins, Benjamin, and Tyson need to come off FAMU's BoT immediately.
Mr. Crist's email address is: charlie.crist@myflorida.com
They got to go!
ReplyDeleteAs soon as I can get Governor's Crist's ear, I am going to talk and talk and talk and talk. He's busy now with the problems in central Florida, so guys, please give him some slack.
ReplyDeleteBELIEVE ME! Our new governor will help clean up some of this mess that the current group of SNAKES have made. SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS (Get packing, folks!)
I hope so...He'll have correspondence from me within his incoming mail.
ReplyDeleteYou're right on point with your distinction between snakes and Rattlers. Snakes lurk and creep in the grass trying to take people by surprise. Rattlers are bold and courageous.
ReplyDeleteThe true Rattlers must rise up and strike these small-minded, petty, conniving snakes out of the den!
RN, please start a petition. Rattlers around the world must come together to let the Governor, The Board of Governors, The Board of Trustees, Citizens of The State of Florida and all other stakeholders that FAMU will not tolerate the shenanigans that have taken place for five years now...We must petition to remove the "6".
ReplyDeleteWithouth the removal of the "6", there is no way that Dr. Ammons will be able to hit the ground running. With the current board it will take him two years of blood, sweat and tears to just get the finances in order, let alone move the University back to "true" greatness.
ReplyDeleteWhoa, Whoa, pump your brakes fellow Rattlers. Though we may disagree with their votes, I am not so sure we should petition to eliminate all 6. I believe that Ammons can work amicably with most of the trustees. The problem is with Branker and Lowe. In fact I like the way Trustees Jenkins, Benjamin, handled themselves during Ganious' and Bryant's tenure.
ReplyDeleteI am not a FAMU alum but am nonetheless affected by that plantation mess and chittlin' circuit with Madame Challis Lowe as the ringmaster. What can we do with the head house negress and her evil hoard? Old Jebie is gone and Charlie is a fresh governor.
ReplyDeleteM-Solo said...
ReplyDeleteWhoa, Whoa, pump your brakes fellow Rattlers. Though we may disagree with their votes, I am not so sure we should petition to eliminate all 6. I believe that Ammons can work amicably with most of the trustees. The problem is with Branker and Lowe. In fact I like the way Trustees Jenkins, Benjamin, handled themselves during Ganious' and Bryant's tenure. 2/04/2007 5:26 PM
As an individual that listened to the presidential search committee Wednesday's teleconference call there is absolutely nothing that I find redeeming in Leerie Jenkins. He refused to meet with local Jax folks and he's on record as saying that he was tired of all of the emails he received and he was just deleting them as they came in and his mind was already made up. Secondly, the person has done absolutely nothing. A complete looser.
As far Laura Branker, a person with no class and another complete looser. She is on record as saying she could never vote to bring Ammons back to FAMU. Need I say more. Kick her off as well.
Benjamin is a liar and a shyster. She may have lead some of the FAMU faithful to believe that she was going Ammons way but she is down with Lowe like four flat tires. Kick her butt off. No redeeming qualities, a poor attendance record and has done nothing even though she is supposed to be an expert on Medical Schools and preparing the next generation of graduates.
As far as Allen, Lowe and Tyson, we have had enough of the South Florida down low connection to Castell. Let them all go to Lowe's Christmas parties, we don't give a flying uck.
I hear you anonymous, but you want to eliminate Jenkins for not wanting to be inundated by email? I can't say I blame him.
ReplyDeleteAnd again your want Branker gone because she is on record as saying she could never vote to bring Ammons back to FAMU. That was she felt, and though I disagree I respect it. I don't want to set a precedent of removing BOT members just because they disagree with the majority. That would not be conducive to FAMU.
Disagreeing is not always a bad thing, as long as they agree on a goal of a Successful FAMU!
As far as Allen, Lowe and Tyson, we have had enough of the South Florida down low connection to Castell. Let them all go to Lowe's Christmas parties, we don't give a flying uck.
ReplyDelete^^What anonymous @ 8:47 PM said. That bunch that attended the Star Island Christmas party thought that they had the inside skinny. Ha... Think again...
Thank God for Black Ops friends...
Listen...my problem is not the fact that they didn't vote for Ammons but they voted in block for Thompson and not one vote for Johnson.
ReplyDeleteHey...I was at that party
ReplyDeleteWe know. We have the vids.
ReplyDeleteI want to no what happen at the party! please put some pictures out rhere.
ReplyDeleteThe problem with Branker is not that she did not vote for Ammons, but she has not given any reason why she did not vote for him. I e-mailed her and the curt response I received could have been mistaken as the work of an aggrieved teen age girl.
ReplyDeleteHow can we respect Banker, who refuses to share her logic ,when her actions seem illogical?
Branker wouldn't ceremoniously make Ammons selection unanimous, that's personal. She should resign on her own. If not, we definitely should seek her removal by Gov. Crist. Tyson is already cooked and Challis is Low HAS to go. That's three. Three new board members would be more than enough to help push Ammons agenda and move FAMU forward.
ReplyDeleteM-Solo said...
ReplyDeleteI hear you anonymous, but you want to eliminate Jenkins for not wanting to be inundated by email? I can't say I blame him.
No, I want to eliminate him because he has been pissed since Bishop resigned from the board and he has this attitude that he doesn't have to do a got damn thing but take up space on our board. He was with Castell and Lowe on this plan to bring Thompson in. Did he use any common sense during the process? Absolutely NOT! He's benefitted more from being on OUR board then we have. Check out the Board of Directors for the Reynolds group and trace their links back to FAMU. He's looser because
1. After that damning audit how could he even cast a vote for Thompson (because the fix was in)?
2. He has sided with Lowe over a dozen unfair labor lawsuits against the board; which leads me to believe that he is anti-union and doesn't give a flying uck about employees rights.
3. He sided with Lowe about this blind vote, which began with the presidential search interviews that produced the three candidates.
4. He sided with Lowe to get Thompson the questions yet again, which was unfair to the other two candidates.
5. He turned a deaf ear to the three major stakeholders.
The list is long. He's has gotta go!
And again your want Branker gone because she is on record as saying she could never vote to bring Ammons back to FAMU. That was she felt, and though I disagree I respect it. I don't want to set a precedent of removing BOT members just because they disagree with the majority. That would not be conducive to FAMU.
No, I want Branker gone for many reasons. She has told me that FAMUans are "Too overzealous and that THEY take this FAMU Spirit too serious. It's like they are Zealots!" She has yet to recognized that that FAMU degree is greatly responsible for where she is today. She is a looser on so many levels, I would love to list them all, but in summary she does not want what's best for FAMU or FAMUans.
Disagreeing is not always a bad thing, as long as they agree on a goal of a Successful FAMU!
You are absolutely right, especially when it generates dialog for a better FAMU! I cannot say any of these loosers have done that. Take them off the board and let some else serve that has the time and the passion to make FAMU's best days apart of her future and not her past!
2/04/2007 9:25 PM
How soon before Austin is gone?
ReplyDeleteI'm with anonymous, get your S--t and git, your time has come now let me know how it feel to bust someone dreams without thinking about it.
ReplyDeleteIn general, I'm not for petitions and felt bad for the way it took out Fred Gainous. I would rather see some board members offer resignations, and allow the Governor to decide to accept or reject the resignation.
ReplyDeleteAt this stage in the game, we really need a Chair(wo)man of the Board who is a proven fundraiser. I hope the Governor is willing to look across the political aisle for that appointment, if the right candidate is available.
How about Carrie Meek?
ReplyDeleteBring Corey Alston back.
ReplyDeleteHow about Tavis Smliey or Sybil from the TJMS?
ReplyDeleteHow about Carrie Meek?
ReplyDelete2/06/2007 9:33 PM
She's V.P. Vincent June's aunt. It wouldn't be proper for her to supervise him.
True. He won't be there long.
ReplyDeletething is though more than those six need to go...we need new vision. RB Holmes must leave too (I am so sick of black folk feeling that we should involve the church in everything)we need new blood folks wth vision who can take Uus where we should be. not more of the same. Get a cornucopia of business professionals, non-profot professionals, academics people who believes in FAMU and aspires to help see it become better and more.