“She comes to the post with extensive administrative and professional experiences having functioned at multiple academic levels including faculty member, department chair, program director and dean, “ said FAMU President James H. Ammons. “I believe that she has the vision and leadership qualities to take our academic programs to the next level; to strengthen our research capabilities and provide new and challenging professional development and global opportunities for our faculty and students."
Harris will assume the post on January 3, 2008, at a salary of $255,000.
She is a graduate of the University of Illinois at both the graduate and undergraduate levels. Harris earned her undergraduate degree in occupational therapy. Her master’s and doctoral degrees focused on higher education and policy studies.
THIS IS GREAT NEWS!!!!! Now if it were gossip or if the nay sayers could find one once of questionablity in her resume then there would be 25 post on here by now! ONWARD AND UPWARD!!!!
ReplyDeleteIt is...what it is.
ReplyDeleteChile, please!!!Everyone knew who would get this post. Politics at its best!
ReplyDeleteHopefully, with the raise she'll get that bad weave fixed !
ReplyDeleteEveryone knew who would get this post. Politics at its best!
ReplyDeleteIf everyone knew it in advance, then its politics at its worst !
Are the personal slights against Hughes-Harris' appearance really necessary?
ReplyDeleteDamn, can we try and keep the comments somewhat constructive?
Can someone please explain why this woman is gonna be making $255,000 per year. All I can do is shake my head at that.
ReplyDeleteWell the Dean of the College of Arts and Sciences makes 125,000 as well as the Dean of the School of education and that is the starting rate. So if she is over ALL of the Deans at the University then it bears to reason that she would make 255,000 dollars a year.
ReplyDeleteAnd what actually are her duties???? Sister girl is making a huge amount of pay. I ain't mad at her though. FAMU sure does pay its high up employees.
ReplyDeleteThe Dean at the college of law makes $250,000. As her boss, she has to make more. If she performs, she will be worth every penny. By performance I mean she brings money and reputation to the university.
ReplyDeleteI agree with the earlier comment: Let's stop the negativity!
I meant as "his" boss.
ReplyDeleteHere is the point. I think it is very juvenile to attack the salary of the dean. If it were you getting paid, you would think it would justifiable. Her area just added a DOCTORAL program. Her resume' speaks for itself. Attacking her hair is the best we can do? Let's not prove CVB right with her comments about the students and staff here. Congrats Dr. Hughes.
ReplyDeleteI don't know hy Dr. Ammons pretends to do a "national search" for these positions when he knows from the jump who he's going to select. Oh, yes I do know why he does this. Silly me. Politics, as usual. Excuse this silly post. My bad.
ReplyDeleteIs there any reason why she should not be the provost? Legitimate reason, that is?
ReplyDeleteSell that BS to someone else. You got hardworking employees who make below the poverty line. I really could care less who the provost is, but you have employees that bust their butts off everyday and barely make enough to get by. No offense to the new provost, but thats a pretty hefty amount of money being dished out. Folks can say what they want and think what they want as well. Unless you're a FAMU employee in this category, you wouldn't understand.
ReplyDeleteAre you being forced to work at FAMU? If there are better opportunities, then go for it. No use to gripe about something you can change for yourself.
ReplyDeleteAre you degreed? If so, why are you still working there if you are below the poverty lne?
ReplyDeleteWe need to be more civil. Blaming someone who is working hard and making poverty line money is not their fault, it is the system's. We all cannot get degrees and make lots of money--it is just not going to happen. What we need is a more just system so that the working poor get something. I cannot believe that us Blacks would condone an unequal system.
ReplyDeleteDr. Ammons conducted a national search because he needed to see what is out there. He may have thought that the newly appointed provost was the best person but this could only be confirmed after a search. If he still thinks she is the best after a search, it is his right to appoint her. Remember if she screws up, it will be on him and him alone. We all would do our thing if given a chance. Don't blame Ammons. By the way the job of the provost is to be the #2 person overall on campus and the #1academic person.
Lets keep it real the poverty line is at 14,500 and I dont know anyone on Gods green earth at FAMU that is working at a degreed level making below 25,000 it is not happening and if someone says that it is they are not telling the truth because you can go online and see the damn salaries, its a public university! Furthermore, this woman payed the price she went to college and she continued to grow as a professional and this is the result of hard work! The assitant football coach at FSU makes 300,000 dollars a year so give me a break.
ReplyDeleteoh, Lord, here we go again...throwing FSU up in here. why does EVERYTHING have to compare to fsu? this isn't anything about FSU. give it a rest. and leave those folks' salaries out of this mix.
ReplyDeleteCongratulations Dr. Hughes and good choice Dr. Ammons.
ReplyDeleteSUPPORT FAMU!!!!
8:44 AM, I agree with you. But it is also not fair for those who do not receive such salaries to insinuate that they are mistreated, especially when they have options to find other employment that is more suitable to their living needs.
ReplyDeleteTo 12/20/2007 7:04 PM and 12/20/2007 7:05 PM
ReplyDeleteSo it doesn't matter who works at FAMU huh. There are many folks with degrees that don't make that much money. Some work for the love of the University. Yes pay isn't everything, but by golly even the presidnt admitted after he saw salaries of many employees at the University that there are many that are working at the poverty level. I love FAMU but I think an audit of many employee salaries should be done. If you're not in this category of pay then some of u can't comment. I have a bachelors and I haven't left FAMU because I love what I do and I love my alma mater. I'm definately not taking anything away from the dean that got the promotion, but don't shoot me down because you don't know what you're talking about. I know folks that have been at FAMU for 20-30 years of service to FAMU that don't make over 30,000.
Enough of my rants. Congrats to the new provost, it ain't about me its definately about you.
I approve of this appointment. I think she is like by the students in The School of Allied Health, and I presume that she has an understanding of the need to respect and work within the faculty governance structure to accomplish the teaching and research mission of your university. I am an outsider, but I truly wish FAMU the best. You've been through a lot, and now it looks like your coming out with the potential to be stronger than ever. As far as her personal appearance, she actually is rather attractive and seems to carry herself-but I digress. I hope and pray that FAMU's faculty will continue it's rebound from Interim Resident Bryant, and again see itself as respected, needed, and expected to shape the successful FAMU alums of tomorrow.