Castell's Greatest Hits

da rattler
In honor of homecoming, we thought we'd go back and look at a few of the biggest gaffes of our interim president to remind everyone why we need new leadership. Of course, we're not at all obsessed with this. But, when given a gift horse it would be rude not to get on it and ride, atleast once.

Please click on green letters to link to each story.

1) Vanity Is Thy Name
Castell spent over $50,000 of the University's money to promote herself in what has proven to be a pack of lies.

2) The Incredible Shrinking Surplus
$8M, $5M, $3M... poof it was gone!

3) Castell's Grammy Mess
Castell viciously lashes out at FAMU Band Director Julian White and keeps him from accompanying his band on one of their crowning achievements -- participation in the 2006 Grammy Awards.

4) Castell's Enrollment Crisis

Enrollment hits 9-year low
Since taking over as interim president FAMU's enrollment has plummeted. On average, we've lost 400-500 students a semester.

5) Auditors Question $620M in FAMU Journal Entries

CFO Quits Abruptly

Inspector General Fired

Auditors unable to satify reported amounts
Plain and simple, Castell has been a financial nightmare!

6) The SBI 8

Castell forced to settle with SBI 8
The mishandling of the entire SBI 8 ordeal.

7)The looming SACS mess
Having inexperienced staffers, first timers, lead the SACS committee and not consulting a recognized national expert (on campus) is a sure prescription for disater!

8) Castell Calls Cops on Faculty
That was just plain low!

9) Losses at FAMU Foundation
Under her watch the FAMU Foundation's balance sheet shows a loss of $1.3 million and a total decrease in net assets of over $2 million

10) The Hollins Group's favorable $258,100 no bid contract

Hollins Group Invoice

Provost pushes Hollins Group Candidates on Search Committee members
FAMU skirted the state's competitive bidding process to award contract to possible friend of Board Chair.

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  1. Thank's for the reminder. Let the searching begin!!!

  2. I feel your pain and indeed there is an enemy at the gates. But man its Homecoming!!!!!!!!!!

  3. We must... Never forget! Never forget!

    Party on, but don't forget. And don't believe the lies she tells you this weekend. Cuz she's gonna tell them.

  4. How about Party with a Purpose? This is Homecoming Week so let's use this as an opportunity to re-dedicate ourselves to fighting against all the internal and external threats to FAMU's existence.

  5. to anonymous 10/24/2006 4:27 PM: You don't think Castell is an internal threat and the FAMU BOT is an internal and external threat??

  6. Hell!! You forgot the Kappa 5!!

  7. Both Castell and the BOT are internal threats.

  8. Right now I focusing on one thing and one thing only. Celebrating Homecoming 2K6. I am a graduate of the greatest university on the face of this planet. In spite of all that has transpired during the Bryant administration I have an unconditional love for my alma mater. One person is not going to stop my giving to the foundation, the NAA, the Boosters, or the general scholarship fund. Certainly we need a permanent president, but I graduated from Florida A&M, not from the University of Castell and that is where my heart is and always will be.

    Happy Homecoming to you all.


  9. We ALL love FAMU, but to say that it's "the gretest university on the face of this planet" is preposterous. While FAMU really is a really good institution and endeavors to become better and perhaps greater than it currently is, calling it "the greatest in all the land" is simply ridiculous. I, too, am a graduate, having earned two degrees from the institution. But I know, as we all do, that FAMU has a long, and I mean L-O-N-G way to go in establishing itself as great. Good? Yes? Very Good? Well, yeah. But great? I don't thnk so. And Neither, I'm afraid, does anyone else. Let us be real about this thing, now. There are already enough lies, innuendos, threats and insider madness going on within the hallowed walls of Foote-Hilyer and Lee Halls for bloggers on this public domain to print hyberboles. Perhaps when we are finally blessed with an academic leader instead of a corporate bully, FAMU's days of institutional, academic and national glory can be claimed. Until that time, let's just call the school what it is: a very good institution for higher learning.

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