Only, 200 million people are expected to watch this year's Super Bowl football game, live from Miami. Rattler Nation has learned, that the 100 was invited to participate in late September/early October. But, now their appearance is being threatened by a silly recommendation from Liz "I can't win a mf case" McBride, the FAMU General Counsel. It seems that Mrs. McBride wants to teach the 100rd a lesson for some unsubstantiated hazing charges, which were thrown out of court by Leon County prosecutors for lack of evidence.
So Castell & her girl Liz want to deny Florida A&M University national television exposure on a football game in which 30 second ads are selling for nearly $3 million, all because she has a "hard on" for Band Director Julian White.
Unless, Cast-hell & Co., get it together soon his Purple Majesty will not be coming to Bragg Stadium to practice with the 100rd no time soon, and Super Bowl halftime producers will have to move on to their back up band (maybe B-CC).
See: Hazing Charges Dropped Against Band Members
More Band Hazing
Marching 100 voluntarily withdraws from Honda BOTB
Band robs hotel blind
Castell is still at it
Castell's Grammy Mess
Just Sad, Sad, Sad!!!
ReplyDeleteWell I have had me cup of coffee.
ReplyDeleteI can't stand the band and their idiot hazers either, but they have already taken themselves out of the largest band event there is, the Honda BoB in Hotlanta. Let the band go on and play in the Superbowl Halftime once again, the school needs that kind of international exposure.
ReplyDeleteSuspend the band for every away game including Classics for one year, and that would do the trick for me. We only need to keep the punishments in our own house.
Is it a surprise, really??? Let the band play.
ReplyDeleteSuspend the band for every away game including Classics for one year, and that would do the trick for me.
ReplyDeleteRight... Punish everyone for the actions of a few. Let me guess... You didn't get a lot of hugs growing up, right?
The BIGGER picture shows that by restricting the band from appearances that would have potentially positive effect (revenue, exposure, recruiting, etc.) is unforgivably counter-productive. Even Stevie Wonder can see that. Matter of fact... is he available???
How about suspend Liz and expel Castell?
ReplyDeleteHazing is bad and there should be zero tolerance. Deal with the hazers and hazees directly for breaking university rules, but do not punish the entire band and cut off your nose to spite your face.
FAMU needs positive press to start the New Year off right.
I can see the controversy and stories blasted across the Miami Herald, Sun Sentinel, Orlando Sentinel and St. Pete Times for some old news that is being rehashed again in the media.
We can't ge a new president fast enough, and let it be someone that is media savvy.
What kind of logic is she using to keep the band from performing? Sometimes I wonder if she is missing the big picture.
ReplyDeleteThis is a WORLDWIDE stage, where the UNIVERSITY, FLORIDA A&M UNIVERSITY, will be recognized with it's world famous band.
Talk about a boost to declining recruitment across FAMU (not just band students), a lift to the craziness that's been going on our campus for the last year or two, and a way to show the world AGAIN our band, what could POSSIBLY be the reason behind this?
Nothing has happened in terms of the band since Detroit, yet she wants to continue punishing them until she walks out the door, and for what?
This really IS sad.
ReplyDeleteThe University needs some good press and this is an easy recruiting tool.
ReplyDeleteWhatever happened to life lessons? Oftimes we must suffer the consequences of our behavior. Character is built not bought or marketed through performance. There will be other performances and the next generation of Marching 100 will understand the importance of keeping each other in check
ReplyDeleteEvery since Castell stepped foot on campus, she's had it in for Dr. White and the band. I'm surprised, but not shocked at what she is doing now.
ReplyDeleteTypical Castell.
How much longer before she's gone? Can't she do SOMETHING positive for the University on her way out????
For anyone here who uses the comments "can't stand the band" and
ReplyDelete"suspend the band for every away game for a year..." you are no different than this lady McBride. It's things and comments and thinking like that, that keep us back as a university and as a people. Sure the actions by the band were not the best, but you would punish the whole group for actions of a few? This isn't a case of someone getting beat down w/ a cane and going to the hospital.
And how long should the band be punished for something that happened in September? They withdrew from the HONDA Battle, they didnt goto many other battle of the bands (which is a lost of money that goes towards scholarships, which is another subject). Why would you want to give us the death penalty for stealing candy?
It's ridiculous how some of you think, and it's ridiculous how our "leaders" of the university think as well.
They took their punishment, now its time to move on. Why carry on things into the new year?
Former Drum Major & Band Pres.
ReplyDeleteDoes one need their who LIFE to show that they've learned their lesson???
Come on now, you can't be serious.
You do something wrong, you pay the price for it. The band did by canceling the extra trips planned for the year AND removing themselves from consideration for the Honda BOTB.
I guess if she stayed another 2 years (perish the thought), you'd be saying the same thing, even if nothing happened during that time.
*shaking my head*
If your child does something wrong, you give them their punishment, and move on. The punishment has been given.
Or is this some open-ended punishment, where she can use anything against the band at any time?
ReplyDeleteLOL @ the "nothing to see here, move along" LOL
For those of you who don't believe there is an invitation, might I suggest you call the band room?
ReplyDeleteCome on now RN ...
ReplyDeleteDon't you think you're using the word "STEAL" to apply to the WRONG side of this coin?
As someone else has pointed out, let this be a LIFE Lesaon ...
NEXT TIME you're in someone else's city representing your School ... "LEAVE THEIR S*** IN THEIR HOTELS!"
There's a Super Bowl in Tampa in TWO Years ... So maybe you'll have that long for that "lesson" to sink in!!
There's a Super Bowl in Tampa in TWO Years ... So maybe you'll have that long for that "lesson" to sink in!!
ReplyDeleteMike, we ain' coming back to Tampa for nothing! Why can't you understand that??
Let's just hope you even get asked to come to Tampa by then ...
ReplyDelete'Cuz it seesm your actions may have f***ed you up THIS time from going to Miami!!
And BTW - Since you seem to want to refer to folks by name, why can't you at least have the guts to put YOUR name at the bottom of your posts?
Sad thing is there are a lot of people here who don't want to be known. Come out of the closet. Why are you hiding?
I agree that, the band, more so those that bare direct responsibility should be corrected for their past inappropriate behavior. However, there is such a thing as double jeopardy. [I know this is not a legal matter, but it is a matter of fairness] If the band and university administration came to an earlier agreement as to what the punishment would be for the actions of a few, and that price has been paid, then it wrong right for the administration to continue to heap more punishment upon the band as time and performance offers come in.
ReplyDeleteI think these two women are seriously missing the point. This is the SUPER BOWL; the exposure for Florida A&M would be astronomical. I call on the Governor & board of Regents and FAMUANs to put a stop to this unending string of punishments being leveled against the band. Remove Bryant and her crony lawyer now and put someone in there that can bring the unity and pride back to FAMU and the administration.
Enough is enough! The many have already been punished for the "sins" of the few. When will we learn to stop cutting off our noses to spite our faces? HBCUs have enough trouble getting exposure and support without us blocking it.
ReplyDeleteCan you imagine a child growing up in Castell's house, under her dictatorship? Can you even imagine anyone being married to the woman? Good Lord! Those poor people are probably in therapy right now.
ReplyDeleteSo...Yes thier have been allegations of hzing going on. First and formost, you are innocent until prooven guilty so Since no one was prooven guilty they should be treated as innocent right? Secondly, the whole band was not on trial for hazing, nor did they get sent to xcourt so there is nio reason that the whole band should be punished for the alleged actions of a few(because once again, nothing has been prooven). LAstly, FAMU could definately use that type of POSITIVE exposure...any school could use POSITIVE exposure of that type and to take it away based on the alleged actions of a few is ridiculous. I dont attend FAMU but I am A memeber of the MArching 100 and it is sad to seew hat a woman who claimed to love FAMU and The 100 is doing to our band....It is bad enough that she took Honda away....Punishments are only effctive when applied imidiately. The peop[le who did not march this fall will take nothing from this except that Castell is crazy...How long auntil she has to leave anywa???
ReplyDeleteFrankly, if all the people at FAMU and FAMU LAW who are not doing the jobs they are being paid to do were punished, the whole place would shut down. Why do we selectively punish only certain students? Most students have excelled despite the YEARS of administrative problems.
ReplyDeleteThere is no truth to this story at all.
ReplyDeleteTaylor, you've been made. They know who you are.
ReplyDelete. . . and dey comin' to git you too.
ReplyDeleteSad thing is there are a lot of people here who don't want to be known. Come out of the closet. Why are you hiding?
What's even worse than the Mugg being s wimp, and not responding back ... But top it off with being a hypocrite at that!
He - and EVERYONE else - knows that if the 100 were asked back to Tampa to perform in the Super Bowl in 2009 - or even in the OUTBACK Bowl ANY year - they'd be here quicker than a NY Minute!
Folks better quit trying to discount Tampa ... Because that rusty MF you played in down the street and left over $40M to last month is rankling a LOT more nerves these days than you might imagine ... "But that's worthy of a whole new separate Thread entirely, so let's leave that alone for now!
I feel that the 100 should go and represent our university. The actions of a few(and I really mean a small number) should not penalize the remaining students in the band who are(in my opinion) some of the most hard working students I have ever seen. The band let go of a lot of performances(BOTBs, Honda) because the actions of a few. I believe that our interim president should take a good look at the fact that the current members of the band are good, law-abiding students who are doing everything they can to continue the legacy that has been built since 1946.
ReplyDeleteI think this mathematical equation should help out:
Marching 100 + Super Bowl Performance =
(1) Recruitment for this university
(2) More money/opportunities for this university
(3) Positive international exposure
Need I say more????
To the one who said, "There is no truth to this story at all," are you saying that the papers have been signed? Are you saying that the "100" didn't get the invite? What?
ReplyDeleteWhere are the lies?
Anonymous said...Folks better quit trying to discount Tampa ... Because that rusty MF you played in down the street and left over $40M to last month is rankling a LOT more nerves these days than you might imagine ... "But that's worthy of a whole new separate Thread entirely, so let's leave that alone for now!12/20/2006 4:09 PM
Yeah, playing in Orlando is much better than getting beat down by the Hillsborough Sheriff Department and Tampa police, locked out of the Malls, and all the restaurants except MCDonalds, Burger King and Wendy's closed down cause them negroes are coming to town. Need I say more. You get the picture.
We ain't coming back to Tampa (Florida Classic). Now if the SuperBowl Committee wants a shot at the 100 tell 'em to holla at us!
As was stated earlier ...
ReplyDeleteYou can spew all the rhetoric & BS you can ... But STILL don't have the kahunas to put your name down!
Let's let THAT topic go for now ... And stick to the one at hand!!
And please stop acting as if this opportunity is guaranteed to be there for Tampa.
ReplyDeleteThe Super Bowl is annually the nation's highest-rated TV program. More than 141 million viewers watched last year's game in the U.S. Super Bowl XLI will be broadcast to a potential worldwide audience of 1 billion in more than 230 countries and territories.
ReplyDeletePrince is more than just one of the world's most popular and influential musicians -- he is an international icon. One of the greatest living performers of our time, he has sold nearly 100 million albums and is a member of The Rock & Roll Hall of Fame.
If FAMU does not want the gig, then FSU Marching Chiefs are ready to go The Chiefs could use some of that world-wide exposure and it would be great for Florida and Tallahassee. Prince does play rock and roll.
Just holler, if you don't want the 100 to get this exposure and we will put our lobbyists to work to see if FSU can get this prized gig.
Hey, we were told that FAMU 100 ain't up to the challenge. Please, these shoes are too big for the Chiefs to fill.
ReplyDeleteDon't get mad at us. We are just taking advantage of the opportunity YOUR leadership is providing to allow FSU to apply for the gig. Your president created the vacancy and stood up the SUPER BOWL. This gig is a once in a lifetime opportunity. This exposure is priceless and one billion people will be watching us, not FAMU, at the Super Bowl with Prince. Wow!
ReplyDeleteFirst, you 100 haters need to go hang yourself... And you FSU people...get da fugg off this board.It's funny how ya'll are always in FAMU's business. You FSU mu'fuggas make me sick.
ReplyDeleteNow, this goes farther than the band. It's about FAMU. She must realize this and let The 100 go.
As a FAMU graduate who is a paid financial alumni member as well as a former member of the Marching 100 (also a paid financial member), this is about as sad as it gets. To my fellow Rattlers, a recent post summed it up perfectly:
ReplyDeleteMarching 100 + Super Bowl Performance =
(1) Recruitment for the university
(2) More money/opportunities for this university
(3) Positive international exposure
We could start off 2007 with both the university and the band by demonstrating to others who may have forgotten why the band is the most featured band in the nation. I am saddened by this decision from our Interim President and can only hope that she will have a change of heart and realize how important this opportunity will be for the school. The 100' has been punished for the actions of a few and has served their sentence so to speak. Like all of us, the Interim President herself has made mistakes - yet, I am sure that she does not plan to carry them on her back as a burden into 2007 and the 100' shouldn't either.
To any FSU individuals: Please note that if the Superbowl committee wanted the FSU Chiefs, FSU would have been contacted and not the Marching 100. You are correct in stating that the FSU Chiefs may NEED this kind of exposure, but the 100' DESERVES it. Like the 100' should be treated, we, as Rattlers will treat you with the same respect- your few silly comments towards our band and university will not be a total reflection of your band's ignorance.
A loyal Rattler and Marching 100 Alumni
Time to go Cast-Hell! Time to GO!
ReplyDeleteLet me start by saying that I am a FAMU graduate (paid member of the FAMU Alumni Association) and Marching 100 Alumni (paid member of the Marching 100 Alumni Association). I wonder if the Interim President’s decision would still be the same if she were the PERMANENT President rather than the INTERIM. It seems to me like this decision is all about the short term gratification that she receives by wielding her power over the greatest band she, or anyone else for that matter, has come across. If she has personal issues with the staff or the Marching 100 in general, then basically she needs to suck it up…This is about the greater good of the University and the long-term implications of the current successes that the 100 achieves. For instance, prospective, current, and former members are still touting the Paris successes as well as the Sudler Award, and continue to hold those as badges of honor that no other bands can claim to have achieved. The 100 has personally played a major role in the increase in recruitment over the past several decades. Think about all of the students who came to the University just for the opportunity to play in the 100.
ReplyDeleteA few years ago, the athletic program, particularly the football team, set the NCAA record for violations (over 300) at any given time among all programs that have ever existed in this nation. This was featured nationally, and internationally, on ESPN, ESPN2, ESPN Magazine, and several other popular mediums. But yet, the football team was allowed to perform and do what they normally do to sustain life for the University. The 100’s ultimate responsibility is to perform. Without that, there is no purpose for the band. In essence, she is basically saying that FAMU has no need for the band. She needs to take note from what happened to President Fred Gainous…he was the last individual that thought his will and power far exceeded the will and power of the alumni and the current students of FAMU. I strongly suggest she keep her focus on the GREATER GOOD of the University and accept anything that comes our way to improve the current conditions of our school and to ensure that FAMU retains its position as one of the greatest institutions in the world.
Now to the comment above from the FSU student (I assume)…refer to two messages below yours. IF they wanted to invite FSU over FAMU, they would’ve done so from the beginning. The Marching has always been a popular favorite for the Superbowl halftime and pre-game shows since the very beginnings of the Superbowl itself. Stop here, refer to your history, and then continue to read on…For further information also refer to the numerous performances that we’ve done with national and international exposure. I am happy that FSU would be considered as a suitable ALTERNATIVE to the Marching 100, but please don’t take this as an opportunity to try to better your image by bashing ours. We respect the caliber of musicianship at FSU, but choosing to make idiotic comments as the one noted above just demeans the program and the intelligence of the rest of the members of the Marching Chiefs. I suggest you preface you comments with the statement…”This is my sole opinion and not the opinion of the rest of the members of the organization for which I am claiming to represent.” The Marching 100 has and will continue to be a first class organization, and we suggest you do the same.
Respectfully, I am,
Another LOYAL Rattler and Marching 100 Alumni
FAMU will survive without a Super Bowl performance and likewise. I am in total agreement with the president decision to stay committed to her previous decision regarding the punishment for the Marching 100 to the end of spring semester. It's about time we are being held to the highest standards in character, integrity, and behavior, and doing more than giving those words lip service.
ReplyDeleteThis is not a popular decision, but its the right decision. Nobody gets a free pass in life, not even the Marching 100.
Standing by her decision is well and good, but I thought the "100" did a good job (after Detroit and during the season) of rooting out the bad actors. For those who remained, and who kept up their end of the bargain academically and public relations-wise, not only would this be a terrific way to get exposure for the University as a whole, it would show them the value of cleaning up their act.
ReplyDeleteWe have to remember these are 18-22 year olds. Give them a memory of a lifetime.
Who said that SHE made the decision about the band through the end of the spring semester?
ReplyDeleteYet another rumor being circulated that is false.
I sometimes wonder where some of you get your info.
She may not have made the decision, but SHE (Castell) is the president. She can get to the bottom of this. She can approve this thing and let the band go.
ReplyDeleteFAMU will survive without a Super Bowl performance and likewise. I am in total agreement with the president...It's about time we are being held to the highest standards in character, integrity, and behavior...
ReplyDeleteI know good, and 2 times as well you're not using those terms in the same statement with reference to Cast-hell and crew...
Gotta be a halF-ASs U grad that posted that mess.
…”This is my sole opinion and not the opinion of the rest of the members of the organization for which I am claiming to represent.”
ReplyDeleteThe author of the above statement is confused. I never implied that I represented any organization. This is a public debate and my opinion is just as important as anyone else that has chosen to post of this issue. Frankly, I enjoy watching the Marching 100 perform as well as the Marching Chiefs, BCC, NCCU, Michigan, Ohio State, Southern, etc.
To imply the 2006 edition of the Marching 100 is a first class organization is a serious error. In this case, you cannot separate the parts from the whole. Sure you have many, many good kids in this fine organization, but they failed themselves and their fellow band members (especially the section leaders and upper-classmen) when they observed the unacceptable behavior and activities occurring and did nothing to prevent this public disgrace.
The national headlines did not say...several, various, a number of, approximately __, some, few, or 12 of 280. They said:
*FAMU Marching Band Hits Sour Notes
*FAMU band marches into trouble
*Former FAMU band member wins $1.8 million verdict in hazing suit
*More Band Members Suspended by FAMU
*Band faces suspension for alleged hotel theft
*Only FAMU's full-time students will be allowed to be in the band ...
The legacy of the 100 is overall--exceptional, but each year each band has to create and earn its own legacy.
The 2006 band(as a whole)did not meet the vision and goals that most of us have come to expect. If the NCAA, NFL, or NBA, can bench their top performing players for not adhering to the standards of the league and team policy, then the Marching 100 can be sacked for their transgressions.
P.S. Stop hating on FSU. Many of us earned our graduate degrees from this fine institution.
Exactly, PLAYER or PLAYERS, but not the entire squad or team.
ReplyDeleteCome on Doc, let the Rattler's rock, i'm sure santa dropped some compressed coal in your sock . . . there's something to be said for discipline, there's al;so something to be said fro timing and wisdom -- FAMU has more to lose by not allowing the 100 to perform at Superbowl than it has to gain by continuing to punish them -- immaturity, ignorance and stupidity have plagued the band, the frats and sports teams at FAM and other schools for a long time, to shift this will take more than performance suspensions, the entire institution requires character education, until that happens shooting the Marching 100 in the foot only makes them limp, it doesn't make FAMU and stronger -- you can't buy the kind of publicity the Superbowl will bring -- why throw it away?
ReplyDelete"P.S. Stop hating on FSU. Many of us earned our graduate degrees from this fine institution."
ReplyDeleteStop hating FSU...never. And if you don't like what's being said here about FSU...don't come back. This is the RattlerNation blogspot...not the gatdamn Rattler/Seminole blogspot. And no, your opinion really doesn't count here.
I'll never understand why you FSU people are always up in our business. Find a blogspot hosted by the those of your alma mater and leave FAMU alone. You people disgust me.
Proud FAMU Alumna
ok...Prince is BLACK. Rock and Roll IS BLACK. You don't fit! But your mascot tells your story, I don't have to.