Auditors unable to satisfy reported amounts

The AG office noted certain matters involving FAMU’s internal control over financial reporting and its operations that …
The AG office noted certain matters involving FAMU’s internal control over financial reporting and its operations that …
Speaking at the Florida Sports Writers Association's annual media event with the state coaches, FAMU Football Coach…
We've been deceived and Castell got paid, based on a LIE !!!! There's just no other way to put it. The final …
The FAMU draft audit is now final , and guess what? It still shows a $10.4 million deficit. Earlier this week Castell…
The SACS guidelines stipulate that the chief executive officer is responsible for ensuring integrity throughout the pro…
The FAMU Presidential Search Committee met today via telephone conference call. But first a bit of background, Dr. Ch…
Lately, there has been much discussion about a process that FAMU has been in engaged in and successfully completed for …
Well, well, well, it seems that in recent days Castell & Co. have mounted their own agressive PR Campaign by sittin…
2001-02 Humphries 2003-04 Gainous 2004-05 Bryant Enrollmen…
The Tallahassee Democrat this morning did a fairly decent wrap up story this morning accessing where we are at this po…
An RN reader brought this to our attention. News of our Board of Trustees and missteps by the Interim President conti…
Speaking of impuging, did not Castell & Co. try to impugn the integrity of former Inspector General Mike Brown b…
Melbourne, FL --It seems that former BoT Chair James Corbin has tried to broker a peace deal between Interim Presiden…
FAMU's football games with Delaware State (Sept. 2) and Bethune-Cookman (Nov. 18) will be televised nationally on E…
BY POPULAR DEMAND + The coming SACS Debacle... send info and tips to us via email @
Finally, after a long stretch of silence, the Interim President has finally raised her head to speak. And its all for …
+ Sista-Slash & Burn"complains about harsh comments". She can dish it, but can't take it.
The Mid-Eastern Athletic Conference voted to admit Winston-Salem State University today. The conference intends to ho…
Were Castell and Debra within their legal boundaries when they awarded a contract for over a quarter of a million dolla…
Not suprisingly, FAMU officials late yesterday named Lydia McKinley-Floyd , associate dean of the College of Business …
We understand that College Engineering Sciences, Technology, and Agriculture (CESTA), Interim Dean Charles Magee has …
Rattler Nation has learned that faculty who tried to attend Friday's Board of Trustee meeting taking place by phone…
Today's Tallahassee Democrat features an op-ed by a member of its citizens advisory board. See: FAMU needs ambitio…
Florida A&M University which earlier this month announced that its game with SC State would be played on Thursday, …
Taking yall back to the "old school" with a clip featuring Rattler Legends Nat Adderely & Julian Edwa…
We are told that the new Dean of SBI will be: Lydia McKinley-Floyd Ph.D. She is currently the associate dean of Sava…
The Reason Why We Blog: "Our lives end the day we become silent about things that matter" Rev. Dr. M.L. King …
Former FAMU Trustee Corey Alston told the Tallahassee Democrat , "I believed that there was a case of withholding …
....and the sponsors of Rattler Nation. I love you! Please support this site by supporting our sponsors. Click that a…
KPMG is once again misrepresenting FAMU's financial performance by stating that the increase in net assets was the …
Hollins Group Invoice (Confident Hollins Group sends contract and invoice at the same time. This is one of the five in…
Certain Trustees noticed about potential problem (Click screenshot to make photo larger.)
FAMU Emergency Certification Request (Notice that the date of the Emergency Certification Request is after the Hollins …
The Hollins Group Contract ( *In order to save space we did not post all six pages of the contract. We just posted key…
+ RN has learned that the FAMU Board of Trustees will hold an "Emergency Meeting" at 10 a.m. tomorrow via p…
Rattler Nation has learned that the original contract FAMU signed with the Hollins Group , may have violated state la…
We're not sure if you all have seen this week's expose' by the Capital Outlook , but it seems like my forme…
FAMU stakeholders should not allow the "Castell/Lowe Mafia" to hoodwinked, bamboozle, or trick them. The IG’s…